
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

RockStar:SuperNova Aug. 30, 2006

The Elimination Show:

First up tonight was Lukas singing with SuperNova on a new song called (according to Jason) "It's On". Out of the three SuperNova performances I must say that so far I like Toby's the best. I can't put my finger on it, but somehow I just can't see Lukas fronting this band. I really think it should be Magni's turn next week....

Toby got the encore tonight with "Rebel Yell" by Billy Idol It was a very energetic performance as Toby ran all over the theater. A little over the top, but hey, it was an encore, no worries mate.

5 out of the six remaining Rockers were told to stand, leaving Magni as the only Rocker assured of moving on to next week. Ryan, Storm, Lukas, Toby and Dilana were all at the bottom of the voting at some point last night. And the bottom three were...

Ryan: "Baba O'Reilly" by The Who. He sang it great but here has been the thing with Ryan. He gets way too theatrical in his performance. He's over here, no he's over there, he's on top of the speaker, he's on top of the piano and so on. And a big no no to Jason and Gilby, Ryan got his mic cord tangled up with the House Band bass player.

Storm: "Helter Skelter" by the Beatles. Stormy has been dying to be in the bottom three. I had thought that she wanted to do an original song by her band, Storm and the Balls. Instead, she delivered perhaps her best performance with this Beatles classic. Very punk , high energy, and great vocals. I loved the body surfing at the end.....

Dilana: "Psycho Killer" by the Talking Heads. Uh, bad joke D. After all that has gone before, wouldn't it have been better to leave everything in the past and move on instead of putting all out front. Besides, IMHO, the only person who can pull this song off in the first place is the Talking Heads' David Byrne. Not Dilana's best performance by any stretch of the imagination. What saved her, and Gilby said it, was all the credit she had built up on earlier shows....

Much to the consternation of the screaming young girls in the audience, the TommyHawk fell on Ryan. Coming to a small Manhattan night club soon..........
I think he will land on his feet, but the record charts...I dunno.....

MY top three:

3) Dilana Falls another notch. Didn't like tonight's song.

2)Toby G'Day Mate The Thunder from downunder seems to be the best front far

1)Magni The Ice Man is the People's choice this week. And mine..............

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

RockStar:SuperNova Aug.29, 2006

I am going to pass on all the Mark Burnett Productions added drama because tonight was all about the music! I enjoyed every single performance tonight. So it is going to be very hard to make my bottom three predictions. It is not how bad anyone did, rather it was how much better one rocker was than the other....

Lukas: "Lithium" by Nirvana. Lukas dared to rearrange a classic song by a legendary group...And he pulled it off! Wow! To be honest I didn't like the way he started it but it all came together and he rocked, Dude!

Magni: "I Alone" by Live. I have seen Live, well live, and let me say that Magni did the best version of "I Alone" I have ever heard. This song was just made for his voice. If this was RockStar: Live the show would be over.

Ryan: "Clocks" by Coldplay. I think Ryan sang this very very well. Perhaps, just perhaps his theatrics were a little bit over the top.

Storm: "Bring Me to Life" by Evanesance. Duet by Toby. Storm did an excellent job on the vocals. Toby may, just may have overshadowed her a little bit.

Toby: "Rebel Yell" by Billy Idol Yo! The Aussie dude killed this one! And when he brought the young ladies on stage with him he had Tommy Lee eating vegemite sandwiches right out of his hand. Toby scored big points tonight.

Dilana:"Mother Mother" by Tracy Bonham This was like a song of freedom for her. All her emotions over what happened in the last week came out. It was very punk.

Ok prediction time:

encore: If there is one this week IMHO it will go to......Storm

Playing with SuperNova: Ryan

Bottom three: (WOW is this tough)




One final prediction Tommy Lee will (rightly this week) moan how he hates to give the TommyHawk to anyone.........

F1 vs. Nascar

For the first time since I don't know when I sat down and watched not 1 but 2 races on TV. Cup cars at Bristol on Saturday night and Formula 1 from Turkey on Sunday morning. In a major upset at least for this week at these two tracks I liked the F1 race better. Here's why:

Nascar has taking the spunk out of the drivers. There was very little rubbing and racing at Bristol Saturday night because, IMHO, as soon as you touch someone you get sent to the big yellow trailer. The driver may get fined (no big deal) or have points taken away (very big deal). So the chance of someone taking a risk has been reduced, making for boring racing.

F1 is made for TV. The race fits neatly into a two hour time frame. The Nascar race dragged on and on, in fact I caught myself nodding off a few times. While most of the F1 races are in Europe, the live Sunday morning time slot isn't so bad with a nice cup of coffee and a bagel.

The track in Turkey had several passing zones and they were used throughout the race. Yes, passing in a F1 race. Maybe even more than Bristol but we will never know because:

Nascar TV focus is on the leader. In F1 it's on the action. We hardly saw the race leader in F1, the camera was showing the battles further back in the field including a stunning battle at the end of the race between Alanzo and M. Shumacher who are 1-2 in the F1 points.

In F1 we had a first time winner (always exciting). In Nascar we had a guy who won his second of the weekend and third in row...

F1 has a real points battle based on performance throughout the season, Renault had been strong at the start of the year, but Ferrari has caught up and it will go down to the wire for both the driver and manufacturer's crowns. Nascar is still setting up it's Chase where really anyone in the top 10 can win.

Now I know that F1 has some downright boring races that are decided on the start of the race by who beats who into the first turn, but on this weekend I give the nod to F1.............................

And the rains came, and then came again..........

Well we live in a liquid world. It's pretty much been raining here since Sunday and it's kept me off of my bike. In fact I caught a car ride to work yesterday. We had some massive flooding all around our neighborhood. We live on a hill about a couple of blocks from the Long Island Sound but there is low lands all around us. No man is an island? We plowed through a large puddle yesterday, not knowing if we would come out on the other side. But hey, we made it. The rain stopped long enough for me to deliver my route but it's back today, my day off, and I've lost another training day. Time to dust off the exercise equipment in the basement!

Friday, August 25, 2006

A Little Catching Up.....

Going back to Wednesday night, prior to RockStar:Supernova, the sainted wife and I took a ride down to the beach where they were having a car show. My dear friend Wayne was there with his 1947 Hot Rod Lincoln. I had hoped to have some pictures to post but my 'puter is acting wonkie so maybe in a few days. At any rate it was just a very nice evening and we made the most of it by setting up some chairs by Wayne's car and just shooting the breeze. Ah the simple pleasures are often the best.

As far as RockStar, I now understand how people become addicted to these stupid reality shows. I am just a sheep, after all......

Today (Friday) we had quite a little storm. I, of course, rode my bike into work. Was dry on the way to work and dry on the way home but in between was interesting. We had rain and thunder and lightning, but just down the pike in Manhattan they had tornado warnings! It was raining so hard I did the back half of my mail route first(the driving part), because if I had tried to deliver the mail in that rain on my walking section I would have delivered nothing but unreadable pulp.

Ah well tomorrows another day..............

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

RockStar: SuperNova Aug 23, 2006

The Elimination Show: Dilana has fallen from her high perch and it has little to do with the music. In the clips from the mansion, Dilana completely trashed the other rockers, apparently sparing no one. At first this seemed like a Mark Burnett add some drama stunt, but she went on and on and on. Two main targets emerged:

Dilana vs Ryan: Saying that Ryan's song would have been nothing without the House Band was just plain wrong. As Dave Navarro pointed out all the Rockers have to get on stage with the House Band. Ryan wrote a good song and he played and sang it very well. He deserved everyone's respect. Perhaps Dilana was jealous that she didn't get to do the original song?

Dilana vs Lukas: She said that she felt Lukas was just trying to milk the show for as long as he could. I think that may have been true of some of the long gone Rockers, but this far into the competition? She also implied that Magni was only interested in his family. At this point I would say that each Rocker is committed to the band and that should not even be questioned....

Oh yeah we also had some music tonight. Toby joined SuperNova on stage for a song called (and I love the title) " Be Yourself and 5 Other Cliches". Toby brought a very different sound to SuperNova. The music was very much like The Clash and I enjoyed Toby's vocals... There may be hope for the band after all......

And now the elimination: Patrice, Storm, Toby and MAGNI were told to stand. Let me cut to the chase: Storm was the one who did not make the bottom three and man did she look disappointed. I still think she wants to highlight one of her own songs. I don't think she will have to wait much longer though....

MAGNI: Once again I am in shock that he even made the bottom three. I think this may have more to do with fan clubs and voting blocs than talent cause Magni has talent to spare. Tonight he brought the house down with his version of "Fire" by Jimmi Hendrix. WOW!

Patrice: "Middle of the Road" by the Pretenders. Vanilla ice cream. Safe, boring, uninspired. Cue the mini van.....

Toby: "Plush" by the Stone Temple Pilot's....Toby also did not belong in the bottom three this week IMHO. He ripped up this song and showed he can do the hard stuff as well as any of the other Rockers...

In the end the TommyHawk fell on Patrice. A safe boring uninspired choice, but the correct one. The mini van was in the house Y'all........

OK now my rankings. IMHO tonight really hurt Dilana. If you are going to be on the road with a band for year you have to play nice. If she starts being 'honest' about Tommy, Gilby and Jason how long would the band last? While I cannot totally ignore what she has done on the show, she has fallen from my number one spot....

3) Ryan



Watch out, Ryan is coming on like a freight train.

No encore tonight, weird eh?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

RockStar:SuperNova Aug.22, 2006

Tonight we met a new and possibly the best judge on the show, Chopper the dog. He judged things for what they were, not how they were dressed or undressed. Anyway, we had two original songs and Dilana running "nekkid" (as Jason would say)around the pool to get her song from Toby, who didn't want it in the first place. So here we go, yet again:

Patrice: She did one of the original songs, called "beautiful Things" I thought the music and the lyrics were good, her vocals could have brought more justice to the song.

Magni: "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana. The Ice Man sold the song with strong vocals. However, from back in my clubbing days I tend to associate this song,at certain times, with a little pogoing and a little moshing. I guess Magni could have been a little more frantic for my taste......

Ryan: The second original called "Back of Your Car". Last week I was considering whether to aim my poison pen at Ryan, well that's off the table. I can only compare his song and come from behind deal to one thing, J.D. Fortune, who won RockStar: Inxs last year. The song was strong, I liked the lyrics and the performance.

Storm: "Crazy" by Aerosmith. Ah dear sweet Stormy, where do I begin? If Brooke Burke didn't tell us what song you were doing, I think I would have had to wait until the chorus to figure it out. And the cat fight with Dave Navarro? I think that was a little bit of a test, that you may have failed. SuperNova is made up of men with the mentality and hormones of a 13 year old boy. Should it happens that you win Storm, expect to be teased unmercifully by the lads. Being called Honey or Babe would be the least of it.....

Dilana: "Every Breath You Take" by the Police. OK Dilana dips further into the can't do no wrong zone. The performance was fine and I understand she did the song for her mum but I had a little problem. Remember what she did to "Ring of Fire" ? She made the song her own. I was expecting no less on "Every Breath" and all I got was a straight laced version. And Damn Girl, didn't those eyelash things hurt? Streaking around the pool will get you every where with the lads (see above).....

Toby: "Layla" by Derek and the Dominoes. I have noticed that Toby tends to start off slow, like it usually takes him the first verse of the song to really get into it. He did a new arrangement for the song, which I didn't like at first, but then he kicked it into high gear...Wow a kind of punkish version of a classic rock song. Very cool....

Lukas: "All These Things That I Have Done" by the Killers. And what things were you doing before the show Lukas? It seemed to involve some kind of smoking material and it seemed to me that you were running out of breath at the end of the verses. I just didn't feel this song the way I should have, but Lukas has a smaller version of the can't do no wrong zone, so the lads seemed to really like it. I did not....

Prediction time:

Encore: It would be hard not to give it to Ryan, but it would be his third one and second in a row. So maybe Toby?

Singing with SuperNova: Lukas

Bottom three:




Bye Bye: Patrice

Monday, August 21, 2006


I'm crazy.....Just made a commitment to ride 40 miles through the streets of Boston on Oct 1 on the bike. Yikes! I don't think I've ever gone over 20 miles in a single ride. I have a month to do some serious training....Hey it's for charity, a local Boston thing, and I'll make some new friends and some new memories and have some new pains...LOL... Anyway I put my name on the dotted line, so away we go......

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Missed the one year anniversary...........

8/9/05, the first post to BluePumaBlues. Yikes! So many words, so little said. RockStar and hockey have been the two main topics...So I'll try to expand my world a little bit more in the next year....Thanks for taking the ride so far, gentle readers but hang on, I don't know which way the bus goes from here.............

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

RockStar:SuperNova Aug. 16, 2006

Well OK then. Many much things happened on tonight's elimination show so here we go:

The night started off with a surprise. Tommy, Gilby and Jason announced that they will be getting up on stage with a different rocker each week to play a SuperNova song. This week they chose the heir apparent, Dilana to get up a sing a song I believe was titled "Leave the Lights On" Point number one: Dilana looks and sounds like she belongs fronting this band. She just did an awesome job. Point number two: I said at the beginning that this was not really my type of music. (I'm a Joy Division/New Order type of guy)So let me say this about the music of SuperNova: Future generations of strippers will have plenty of music to pole dance to. Nuff said....

Encore time and it was Ryan doing "In the Air Tonight" by Phil Collins. Didn't do anything for me last night and didn't do anything for me tonight......

Next it was time to stand up all who were in the bottom three at some point last night. They were Zayra, Patrice, Toby, Magni, and Storm. Magni was a shocker but more about that in a moment. Storm seemed to be glad to be in the bottom five. I think, IMHO, that she was planning this all along and was going to do a Storm and the Balls song. We won't know this week as she didn't make the bottom three. So who did?

Zayra: Well she did OK last night singing in Spanish but once again her limitations came out in English. She chose a song, "Razor Blade" by Blue October that no one seemed to be familiar with. Jason liked it LOL......

Patrice: In the bottom three and deservedly so. She seems to have a knack, however, for really turning up the wick on the elimination show and this week she rocked out to "Celebrity Skin" by Hole. She needed a little more growl in her vocals IMHO, but she did a fine job.....

Magni: MAGNI!!!! What in the hell was he doing in the bottom three???? He sang 'Creep' by Radiohead and dwelled on the line "I don't belong here" cause he did not! One point: Last season Marty Casey took some heat for not getting into the bottom three (the only place the rockers did INXS songs)so maybe it's good that Magni got this out of the way. People vote for the vocals not against the suit!!!

So in the end it was Zayra who got the Tommyhawk. Now where do I point my poison pen? I'm thinking: Ryan.........

My Top Three:

3) Lukas

2) Magni (He moves closer to #1 even with the B3 this week IMHO)

1) Dilana

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

RockStar: Supernova Aug. 15, 2006

8 Rockers left. 8 Rockers hung over after partying hardy in Los Vegas. An unplugged show with the string section. An interesting night....

Zayra went first but I'm saving my comments on her for last So....

Magni: "Starman" by David Bowie. Magni continues to impress. His vocals are spot on. I could see him fronting this band.

Patrice: " Message in the Bottle" by The Police. Will somebody call a cop? Ok when they kick Patrice out they should drive a 1993 Chryslar mini van onto the stage and give her an appropriate send off. Just bad tonight....

Lukas: "Hero" by Chad Kroeger Jason Newstead is wrong, wrong , wrong. I thought Lukas nailed this song and showed great vocal range. It could wind up that Lukas is in SuperNova and Jason ISN'T.....

Storm: "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor Storm's worse performance on the show and she knew it. She looked like she was still drunk from Los Vegas. Stormy doesn't need Supernova as her band, Storm and the Balls, has reaped tons of publicity from the show.

Toby: "Solsbury Hill" by Peter Gabeiel Toby had to run naked around the pool at the mansion to get this song and he did a great job with it. Gilby played guitar and it didn't faze Toby at all.

Ryan "In the Air Tonight" by Phil Collins. He did great on the vocals, I dunno, there is just something about Ryan that I don't like.

Dilana "Cats In The Cradle" by Harry Chapin OK she brought her usual flair and vocal prowess to this song. But, come on SuperNova guys, she botched a line in the song and you didn't call her on it. Be Fair. She was great, but not perfect this time....

and that leaves us with Zayra who did an original song called 'Lluvia de Mar'. First point is that hands down this was her best performance on the show. But why it was her best performance brings me to point two which is that she is playing SuperNova. Zayra is a smart cookie. She knows her time is limited on the show, that she has zero chance of winning. So she fought with Ryan (her comment "I HAD to do my song" was very telling)to get the original song. So she does a song in Spanish, which played to all of her strengths. She is promoting herself through the show as a Latin singer. Now I have to imagine that the demographic of SuperNova will be a balding 35 year old white guy with a beer gut. Zayra knows this and is using her remaining time to launch herself as a Latin star. And I say Good Luck to her.....

Prediction time:

Encore: Tough call. I'd go with Ryan, but he just had the encore two weeks ago, so I'll say Dilana.

Bottom Three: Patrice for sure
Storm should be but she has a large voting block
Zayra actually doesn't deserve it this week but may wind up there anyway.
and I'll also take Ryan as a back up.

Bye Bye: Patrice......

Sunday, August 13, 2006

The ride....

Took a great ride on the revamped bike today. I finally add some slicks and man she rides like a new bike. I can only describe the feeling as one where I know that my entire pedal stroke is being transmitted to the road. It glides like it's on air. If you are riding a mountain bike or hybrid on the street swap out the knobby tires for some slicks.

As to my route today OMG was it just perfect. First the weather was nice and cool and the sun was bright. I rode past the Long Island Sound and then up towards our neighboring town of Westport where I followed the Saugatuk river up one side, crossed over one bridge and went back up the opposite bank back towards the Sound. I cut down to our beach area and took a turn through the large parking lot before heading home. About 12 miles I reckon and I enjoyed every one of them.....

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Like Old Times.....

I was IM'ing with my buddy Scott yesterday and he mentioned he was going out to a bar later that evening. Barbara and I joined him and a couple of his friends at Westport's legendary Black Duck Cafe. The Duck is known for being involved with off shore power boat racing and the fact that for at least the last thirty years the entire building looks like it is ready to slide off into the Suagatuk River. The Knuckleheads provided the 1970's rock music and Mr. Sam Adams the beer. A plate of nachos rounded out the evening and brought me back in time about 20 years......

Scott invited me to go with him to Boston to ride bikes through the city on Oct 1. I'm giving this some serious thought.......

Friday, August 11, 2006

Random Bits....

So now we have been living with the in-laws for a couple of weeks and it's .....OK so far. I think Barbara is more freaked out about it than I am, the whole thing about moving back into her old room and such. With the housing market on the "Gold Coast" (Fairfield County,CT) being what it is we had little choice. We shall seek to move to a saner area of the U.S. At least I can get a transfer and keep my job. As for me living here, I just try to keep a low profile and stay out of everyone's hair. So far so good....

I started playing a stupid scratch off ticket.(Win for Life) Just a couple a week, along with a couple of lotto and powerball quick picks, but damn, they got me hook line and sinker. I win just enough on the scratch off ($25 last week $5 this week) to keep me coming back.. Hey ya gotta be in it to win it as they say.....

Still biking to work. I added about a half of a mile to my ride each way with the move. The heat finally broke here and the ride in the morning has been quite pleasant. Now I need to replace my knobby tires with some slicks.....

I have this weekend off (Yeah Me) so we will be unpacking and generally getting our lives into some kind of order. "It's in a box" is the most feared quote. Lost is not just a TV show on ABC......

Jury duty in two weeks! Think they'll pick an uber liberal Green party tree hugger? Time will tell. Speaking of which there is a courthouse about a mile and a half from home so of course they send me to the one two towns away...That's not very Earth friendly..........

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

RockStar Supernova: Aug. 8 + 9

A trip to IKEA last night put me behind in my sleep so here is my recap of RS/SN for this week. First last nights performance show:

Dilana: Rocked out as usual this time with Gilby Clark playing lead guitar on the Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again". She is in cruise control, but I would have liked to see her jump around a bit on this particular song.

Jill: "Mother Mother" by Tracy Bonham. Kind of one of her better performances, but it didn't do anything for me.

Ryan: Rolling Stones "Paint it Black" Liked the weirdness he brought to it, but it still doesn't look like he's having any fun.

Storm: Queen "We Are the Champions" She nailed the vocals,which is hard to do in this song.

Zayra: "All the Young Dudes" by David Bowie. Out of key. Painful. When will the hatchet man do the right thing?

Josh "Interstate Love Song" By S.T.P. Tommy Lee took over the drums and Josh looked like a deer in the headlights. Tommy's drumming took away from Josh's vocals which can't happen in a real band...

Magni: "The Dolphin's Cry" by Live. WOW this was a keeper. Magni went solo and just tore this song UP! AWESOME.

Patrice "Instant Karma" by John Lennon. Safe is the key word. Rock and roll should not be safe. Nuff said....

Lukas: "Creep" by Radiohead. Lukas showed some real vocal range here and pulled himself back up from last week.

Toby: "Burning Down the House" by The Talking Heads. Dammitt Dave, I like the megaphone. Toby showed some great range and passion this week.

One other note about the performance show: A PHIL ALERT goes out to Josh and Storm. Josh for looking like a bobble head doll on stage and Storm for wearing a shirt (Got Balls?) that promoted her band, both things that got old Phil kicked off the show...Careful guys.......

The Elimination Show:

The key word tonight was DOUBLE. First was a double encore by Lukas and of course Magni. Magni did the song with House Band this time and it was just as good.

The five called to stand up were Jill, Josh, Zayra, Ryan, and Patrice. Once again showing a complete failure of logic and cognitive thought Zayra did NOT make the bottom three. WAKE UP WORLD: SHE CAN NOT SING! IGNORE THE WOMAN IN THE GOLD PAINT.

So Jill was the first of the bottom three. She did "Respect" by Aretha Franklin and it sounded like kareoke night at the Smithtown Holiday Inn. UGH!

Josh did "Shooting Star" by Bad Co. and while it was OK, well lets' just say it was better than Jill.

Ryan did 'Enjoy the Silence' by Depeche Mode and he did a remix version. It was good. Good enough for Ryan to stay on another week.

The second Double came when the ax man (Tommy Lee) chopped both Josh and Jill from the show. OUCH but well played. PLEASE Tommy sharpen the ax for Zayra next week!

MY top three as I see them:

3)Lukas pulls ahead of Storm but this could go back and forth week to week.

2) Magni Closer to first than to second. Rising with a bullet.

1) Dilana Her game to lose, look out for the Ice Man.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

B Tests come back.....

Well the B tests still show that Floyd Landis used testosterone sometime prior to Stage 17 of the Tour de France. I'm not surprised, just very disappointed. There are a few points to ponder though....

1) The Press threw Floyd under the bus long before the B test came out. Not just the French press either. Sports Illustrated hung Floyd out to dry in the issue that came out the week before the B test results. Used to be in this country 'innocent until proven guilty'.

2) Even if somehow Floyd is found innocent I'm not sure that Pro Cycling can survive this years Tour. Even before the start of the race, favorites Ivan Basso (team CSC) and Jan Ullrich (T-Mobile) were dismissed from the race because their names turned up in a 500 page report on doping. Of course Lance Armstrong has been accused time and time again. I've seen message boards where a lot of people have said that they are done watching the sport. Could you ever watch a cycling race and think that everyone was clean? Track and Field? Baseball? And so on......

3) What is the solution to doping? As fast as scientists come out with a test, new drugs and steroids are out that they can't detect. The lure of victory is stronger than morality and the long term health of the athlete. And that is very sad.

4) Again, even if Floyd is somehow proven innocent he will never reap all the rewards that should go to the Tour champion. His team, Phonak, has fired him. The cloud of doubt would keep him from cashing in on endorsement deals in Europe, where the cyclists make their money. The doubt hanging over him would kill any chances he had of making money in the U.S. No Letterman, no Leno. Maybe he gets on Larry King. But that will be about it....

Indeed a sad day. In the arena of sports is there anything left that is pure and innocent?

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Floyd Landis: One More day.

The results from the B test samples are due on Saturday and I am very pessimistic. It just seems to me that there have been too many conflicting stories and that no matter what the results the entire truth may never be known. I shall have to look somewhere else when I need inspiration to make it up that next hill on my bike or in life. I tend to place myself in a bubble and shut out bad news, but when something that you like takes a hit you have to face reality. There is no Santa, the Easter bunny was run over by an eighteen wheeler and the tooth faerie works for the mob. OK I get it..............

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

RockStar:SuperNova: Aug 1+ 2, 2006

The great heat wave struck Connecticut yesterday and among other things it took out our power about a quarter of an hour before the show started. After some mad scrambling we came up with some batteries to power a radio that gets TV stations so I was able to listen to the performances with the execption of Patrice and Josh. So I knew that Lukas was in trouble and that Zayra was really terrible and that Ryan, Storm and Dilana were on track. With that being said some of the Rockers who were told they had the least amount of votes tonight were a bit of a surprise. First off, even Lukas said he deserved to be in the bottom 3, but he was not called. I thought that Toby, Patrice, and even Dana did well enough not to be called but they were. Zayra and Jill deserved to be there but in the end Zayra was not in the bottom three, which turned out to be Jill, Dana, and Patrice.

Jill: Big mouthed Long Island girl sings Heart's "Alone". Of course Gilby was in Heart at one time. I thought that as she started out she did not have the audience with her at all, although they came back to her near the end. The Supernova lads gave her a standing "O" at the end of the song but this was my least favorite performance of the night.

Dana: She did "House of the Rising Sun". She didn't do a bad job, but I felt she maybe could have put a little more of herself into it. Also she missed a House Band practice. Naughty, Naughty.

Patrice: She did "Eternal Life" by Jeff Buckley. Tommy Lee approved her song selection so she was OK. She did a good job, good enough to last another week....

So in the end Dana was gone. Justice? Not as long as Zayra is still on the show, but Dana would have gone sooner rather than later. Tattoos and black make up did not make her any less cute and perky and that is not the person to front SuperNova.

The encore went to the rapidly improving Ryan Starr with Rem's 'Losing My Religion.' Good job...

and now my NEW top three after week 5:

3) Storm Large

2) Magni

1) Dilanna