
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Friday, June 08, 2007

47 for a day............................

Some thoughts after being 47 y.o. for a day....

1) 47 is no different than 46, but is different than 37 and way different than 27

2) Wisdom does not come with age...just check the spelling and grammer in this post.

3) 3 years till AARP

4) Last year I needed reading glasses, this year I forgot where I put them down...

5) Retirement is still to far away to be anything more than a dream....

6) However, suddenly investing sounds like a good idea

7) Sex and drugs and rock n roll...just not all at once please...

8) I can't drink two six packs anymore, heck 3 beers puts me to sleep...

9) Hockey at 27: "Who wants to play another game?"
Hockey at 37: " Sure I got time for one game!"
Hockey at 47: " What are you KIDDING me?"

10) Now what was I talking about? eh?


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