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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

RockStar:SuperNova: Aug 1+ 2, 2006

The great heat wave struck Connecticut yesterday and among other things it took out our power about a quarter of an hour before the show started. After some mad scrambling we came up with some batteries to power a radio that gets TV stations so I was able to listen to the performances with the execption of Patrice and Josh. So I knew that Lukas was in trouble and that Zayra was really terrible and that Ryan, Storm and Dilana were on track. With that being said some of the Rockers who were told they had the least amount of votes tonight were a bit of a surprise. First off, even Lukas said he deserved to be in the bottom 3, but he was not called. I thought that Toby, Patrice, and even Dana did well enough not to be called but they were. Zayra and Jill deserved to be there but in the end Zayra was not in the bottom three, which turned out to be Jill, Dana, and Patrice.

Jill: Big mouthed Long Island girl sings Heart's "Alone". Of course Gilby was in Heart at one time. I thought that as she started out she did not have the audience with her at all, although they came back to her near the end. The Supernova lads gave her a standing "O" at the end of the song but this was my least favorite performance of the night.

Dana: She did "House of the Rising Sun". She didn't do a bad job, but I felt she maybe could have put a little more of herself into it. Also she missed a House Band practice. Naughty, Naughty.

Patrice: She did "Eternal Life" by Jeff Buckley. Tommy Lee approved her song selection so she was OK. She did a good job, good enough to last another week....

So in the end Dana was gone. Justice? Not as long as Zayra is still on the show, but Dana would have gone sooner rather than later. Tattoos and black make up did not make her any less cute and perky and that is not the person to front SuperNova.

The encore went to the rapidly improving Ryan Starr with Rem's 'Losing My Religion.' Good job...

and now my NEW top three after week 5:

3) Storm Large

2) Magni

1) Dilanna


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