
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Monday, May 28, 2007

NUTS for Jericho....................

Jericho was one of the few TV shows I would go out of my way to watch. CBS cancelled Jericho for next season and the fandom has created a unique protest. When a neighboring town orders Jericho to surrender Jake tells them "NUTS". So to protest the cancellation fans are sending nuts BY THE TON to CBS. Want to join in: For $5.00 you can buy into a share of a case. Let's save good TV.....................



  • At Monday, May 28, 2007 12:15:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I want my Skeet-tv. We are fighting for all the underdog shows that have been cancelled too soon.

    Don't forget to sign the petition people!


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