
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Time to give up on politics?

I thought I knew what a democracy meant. I thought that by working with the system that every American could have a voice in the government. I was naive of course. So no more being a political junkie for's a waste of time...To wit:

How much money has already been spent on the 2008, that's right 2008, presidential election and who or whom is donating all that money and what kind of access to the upper echelon of government will they have? If you guess big business you'd be right. As an example (and there are many) 40 million AMERICANS are without health care. Now wouldn't be the will of the people to see some kind of national single payer health care system? You'd think. However, the lobbies representing health care providers, pharmaceuticals and so for, have spent enough money to ensure that this will not happen.

Maybe I'll come back when we have publicly funded elections. Then perhaps we can have a real democracy again. Until then...Party On Garth.....................



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