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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

RockStar Supernova: Aug. 8 + 9

A trip to IKEA last night put me behind in my sleep so here is my recap of RS/SN for this week. First last nights performance show:

Dilana: Rocked out as usual this time with Gilby Clark playing lead guitar on the Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again". She is in cruise control, but I would have liked to see her jump around a bit on this particular song.

Jill: "Mother Mother" by Tracy Bonham. Kind of one of her better performances, but it didn't do anything for me.

Ryan: Rolling Stones "Paint it Black" Liked the weirdness he brought to it, but it still doesn't look like he's having any fun.

Storm: Queen "We Are the Champions" She nailed the vocals,which is hard to do in this song.

Zayra: "All the Young Dudes" by David Bowie. Out of key. Painful. When will the hatchet man do the right thing?

Josh "Interstate Love Song" By S.T.P. Tommy Lee took over the drums and Josh looked like a deer in the headlights. Tommy's drumming took away from Josh's vocals which can't happen in a real band...

Magni: "The Dolphin's Cry" by Live. WOW this was a keeper. Magni went solo and just tore this song UP! AWESOME.

Patrice "Instant Karma" by John Lennon. Safe is the key word. Rock and roll should not be safe. Nuff said....

Lukas: "Creep" by Radiohead. Lukas showed some real vocal range here and pulled himself back up from last week.

Toby: "Burning Down the House" by The Talking Heads. Dammitt Dave, I like the megaphone. Toby showed some great range and passion this week.

One other note about the performance show: A PHIL ALERT goes out to Josh and Storm. Josh for looking like a bobble head doll on stage and Storm for wearing a shirt (Got Balls?) that promoted her band, both things that got old Phil kicked off the show...Careful guys.......

The Elimination Show:

The key word tonight was DOUBLE. First was a double encore by Lukas and of course Magni. Magni did the song with House Band this time and it was just as good.

The five called to stand up were Jill, Josh, Zayra, Ryan, and Patrice. Once again showing a complete failure of logic and cognitive thought Zayra did NOT make the bottom three. WAKE UP WORLD: SHE CAN NOT SING! IGNORE THE WOMAN IN THE GOLD PAINT.

So Jill was the first of the bottom three. She did "Respect" by Aretha Franklin and it sounded like kareoke night at the Smithtown Holiday Inn. UGH!

Josh did "Shooting Star" by Bad Co. and while it was OK, well lets' just say it was better than Jill.

Ryan did 'Enjoy the Silence' by Depeche Mode and he did a remix version. It was good. Good enough for Ryan to stay on another week.

The second Double came when the ax man (Tommy Lee) chopped both Josh and Jill from the show. OUCH but well played. PLEASE Tommy sharpen the ax for Zayra next week!

MY top three as I see them:

3)Lukas pulls ahead of Storm but this could go back and forth week to week.

2) Magni Closer to first than to second. Rising with a bullet.

1) Dilana Her game to lose, look out for the Ice Man.


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