
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Some Public Thanks..............

We are out of our apartment of the last 16 years and here are some people I need to say thank you for gittin her done...

Mom and Dad S. For taking us in

Mom And Dad F. For all the help the last two weeks even though you had a long ride

Scott P. Friend, customer and all around great guy

Wayne B. Couldn't have done it with your first ride in a Freightliner!

Nephews Matt and Jeff..Thank you for all your help!

Linda and Brian.....Another long ride thanks for taking the A/C's

Harry, Patty, and Robert..Thanks for taking all the tag sale stuff and the washing machine..

Cindy..Thanks for hanging out with Barbara and making the runs to the thrift store

Cathy...Hope Jessie has enough stuff now ! Tupperware rules!

I hope I didn't miss anyone....But if I did and to all who did help a big huge THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Floyd Landis: Please Wait and See......

Wow. I had my heart ripped out, got punched in the gut, and had my legs chopped out from under me all from one quick item in the morning sports update. It seems that Floyd Landis, the winner of Le Tour de France, tested positive for using testosterone. Floyd had been a very strong inspiration to me in the last couple of weeks. We have been moving out of an apartment that we lived in for 16 years and there was an awful amount of work to be done, in the summer heat no less. I looked to Floyd and the other men of Le Tour for strength and the never say die attitude that I need to get the job done. But now was it all a lie? Are there no happy endings, no faerie tales. Well I say let's wait and hear the ENTIRE story. Cause something smells real bad about this and it ain't Floyd's bike shorts.

1) Are there any athletes in another sport that undergo more drug testing than the bikers in Le Tour? Why would any rider even tempt fate, knowing he would be tested? And why with a drug that is detected with a simple blood test like testosterone. Hell, I have had my levels checked. If you go to the doctor and complain of fatigue and muscle pain that is one of the tests the doctor should order. Synthetic testosterone is available at your local pharmacy with a prescription. With all the designer and so called undetectable steroids out there why would a rider mess with testosterone in the first place. If Floyd did this I would put akin to Barry Bonds standing on top of the dugout injecting himself in front of the crowd.

2) If it was in his system, was he aware of it? Could Floyd have been slipped a 'mickey'? Riders know not to take food or water from the crowd, but when Floyd bonked on stage 16 could he have slipped and taken say a water bottle from the crowd? Perhaps. It is no big secrete the France did not want to see another American win Le Tour.

3) Can we trust the test? Lance Armstrong has been accused on numerous occasions of doping or taking steroids, but nothing has ever stood up to close scrutiny. I feel that Floyd will be vindicated.

Well time will tell and we shouldn't rush to judgment. I think the real story will come out and Floyd will remain the champ......

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

RockStar:SuperNova July 26,2006

The Elimination Show. Well just an observation first: separated at birth, Jason Newstead and Ryan Stiles from the "Drew Carey Show"?? Yes? No? Just Asking...

Well the bottom 5 were pretty much as I had thought, but the results were surprising to say the least. First up was Patrice and she gave her best performance of the show with Radiohead's 'My Iron Lung'. She put some life into her show..

Next up was Zayra. I was not familiar with the song she did 'Not an Addict" by K's Choice. She does OK with slow ballads but I cannot see any way this performance kept her on the show. Point # 1 it was her third time in the bottom three. Three strikes and you're out? Point #2 Are SuperNova looking for a lead singer or a lead stripper? Point # 3 If this was a pop show it would be her, Josh and Ryan battling it out for the top spot. It's a Rock Show however. She has to go!!

Phil. Ah poor Phil. Again I was not familiar with the song 'Smoking Umbrella' by Failure, but I thought he did a good job. Better than Zayra at any rate. IMHO Phil didn't even belong in the bottom three this week, that honor should have gone to Josh or Jill. But Phil was voted off the Island and we have to put up with Zayra for another week......

and the encore this week went to......Storm. WTG Stormy!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

RockStar:SuperNova July 25, 2006

Well some of the Rockers got the message. In my book there were more good performances than bad this week. But the bad..........was REALLY bad and it shouldn't be too hard to see one of these hacks tossed out into the gutter tomorrow night.

Ok first the good:

Lukas: Sorry Mr. Newstead. Lukas growls. That's just the way he sings. That would be a very good fit for the kind of music Supernova is going to do. Lukas killed on "Bittersweet Symphony". Even Tommy Lee got it..........

Dana: Make up tips from Dilana. Snarl stolen from Billy Idol. Nirvana acoustic song 'About A Girl"??? Yes! Dana kicked butt with it and showed us a new side. No more preppie here folks....

Toby: I wasn't totally blown away by his version of 'White Wedding" nor was i displeased. Good job, he moves on to next week, no worries mate.....

Magni: David Bowie's 'Heroes". The man from Iceland can sing. Supernova wasn't thrilled with his presentation, but I liked it..........

Ryan: A one week reprieve before he hits bottom again I fear. Live's 'I Alone' was the perfect song for him, but he has to do it again next week and I have to wonder...

Dilana: She has this entire show in the palm of her hands. 'Time After Time' a ballad: No Problem. Roll on.............

Storm: Wild eyes, big voice, great performance. Nuff said......

and now the (very) Bad:

Phil: Great singer. Wouldn't go to see him for free in the park. Zero stage presence. May not make the bottom three this week, cause there were worse....

Jill: Gilby Clark got up on stage with her and even he knew how bad it was. The bump und grind was too predictable. Big mouth (different from big voice) vocals and I just don't buy it

Josh: Dude you are on the wrong show. The Soul Patrol was "American Idol". "No Rain?" No Brains...............

Patrice: Too sappy. Like when you put the sugar in your coffee and forget you did and then you add more. You would be gone if it wasn't for....

Zayra: "Call Me" a doctor,this one has to go and I mean tomorrow night. Dave Navarro told her it was time to start a solo career. What he didn't tell her was that the bar at the Holiday Inn is hiring.............

Prediction time:

Bye Bye; Zayra

Encore: Dana

My top three overall:

3) Magni

2) Lukas

1) Dilana

Oh No almost time for RockStar......

...and no thunderstorm in sight! LOL Anyway I've moved and hence was off line for a few days, but now I'm back! And I'm sharpening my poison pen for the next edition of RockStar: Supernova.

Oh yeah and to the Spammer who's been filling my comments, one word: DIE............

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

RockStar:Supernova July 19,2006

The painful elimination show. This show needs more fiber! Once again I'm wrong, wrong,wrong (0-3) on who got the boot. So some random thoughts on tonight's show:

What does Josh Logan have against Kurt Cobain? Just choosing another Nirvana song should have gotten him kicked off before he had a chance to sing.........

Dana will stay on the show for as long as Tommy Lee can keep her there. I will say she gave the best performance tonight, but that is not saying much.......

Jenny will revive the Lilith Fair Tour. It will play in Moose Jaw, Moose Factory, and Moose Dupont's home town at which point the tour bus will freeze to death. Jenny got the boot tonight, but it should have been ALL THREE OF THEM!!!!

Oh yeah, props to Magni for the encore. Here are my top 3 as I see them:

#3) Magni

#2) Lukas

#1) Dilana

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

RockStar:Supernova July 18,2006

First off we had a huge thunderstorm with lots of lightning and hail and the power went out. Unfortunately, the power came back on in time to watch Rockstar.

Second point: I have said that this version of Rockstar was like watching a train wreck. Well we were watching a show on SciFi called 'Dead Like Me' where the star is a brand new Grim Reaper. The first soul she is assigned to get belongs to a little girl who is supposed to die in a train wreck. It seems I have been doing train wrecks a disservice by comparing them to RockStar, the train wreck was much more humane and easier on the eyes and ears.

That being said here goes this weeks take on, well 47 minutes of shite and about 5 minutes of good performances. On the bad ledger (the long list) I will start with:

Josh: BUTCHER! Did you fight for 'Come As You Are' so you could slaughter it? PLEASE wind up in the bottom three and be gone.....

The Rockstar Website: I can't even get on to vote or to remember the rest of the crap that the so called Rockers did tonight. I'll do my best.....

Ryan: If you smiled your face would crack, which could be an improvement....

Jill: A girl we have met many times in our neck of the woods..The big mouthed Long Island Princess.........

Zayra: Ok now I really 'Hurt' Not even sometimes after listing to you, it's all the time honey.....

Toby: My man fell flat on his surfer dude Aussie face. With his looks he'll never be in the bottom three but OUCH!

Dana: Even if she gets the bottom three this week, WHICH SHE DESERVES, Tommy Lee will never vote her off....

And now, after taking a deep breath this weeks winners (The short list):

Magni: The dude from Iceland rocked out STP. Great Job!

Dilana: What can I, or anyone say? They could stop the show now and Supernova could go on the road with her. She is that good and soooo much better than these other hacks. I will watch the show for Dilana and the House Band. The rest can just leave.....

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Le Tour de France

One of the best things I have done recently is to bike to work. An eight mile round trip has lead to a new me. I have lost 15 pounds with out trying to diet to hard and my legs are getting strong. It is one of the highlites of my day. Not to mention the money I have saved on gas.

Since I am biking (and planning to do more so on my days off soon)I started watching this year's Tour de France. Wow I have come to love this sport. First off is the physical aspect. I know how hard a hill can be on me and how I feel after a short ride. These guys go 100 miles or more a day, up mountains! To watch the agony and the pain as the riders climb, WOW! Then they get up the next morning and do it again! Also watching the strategies unfold as a stage progresses is fascinating. There are teams of riders and each rider has a job, whether it is to fetch water bottles from the team car for the other team riders, or lead a break away to force other teams to ride harder than they want is riveting. There is also the danger of crashing as I saw today on stage 14 when three riders out of a six man breakaway crashed and two of the riders went over a guard rail! These bikes can hit over 50 mph on down hill sections! Next Sunday the tour will end in Paris and I hope that American Floyd Landis can pull off the victory!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Al Gore is Correct.................

We have had two days of some of the wildest weather I have seen in my 46 years in southern Connecticut. Massive Midwest style thunderstorms, with hail and even tornados have sparked up each of the last two afternoons. Yikes and I'm out in it in my job as a letter carrier. And I ride my bike to work every day. Two words: Got Wet...........................

RockStar Supernova: July 12, 2006

This group may have killed the RockStar franchise. For the second week in a row I did not agree with who was kicked off and the reasons behind it. So here is a look at the bottom three:

Jill: She has a great voice and I think her choice last night in song and costume was horrible. She got back to basics tonight and gave the best performance of the elimination show.

Zayra: UGH UGH UGH. She is like, clueless. She comes back and does the same song by the Kinks, "You Really Got Me" that she butchered the night before. And yet they kept her...hmmmm it pays to have breasts when Tommy Lee is in charge......

Chris: I had Chris run out on a rail last week but he made it through to this week. This week I feel sorry for him, he deserved better. He improved with each performance and yet they let him go.....

The Encore: Toby got the encore this week with the Killers 'Somebody Told Me'. Here is a prediction for next week: Lukas will get the encore.....

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

RockStar: Supernova July 11, 2006

I am so glad that the format of this show is to pick your favorite performance. Cause there is no way in heck I could single out who was the worst tonight. My losers list is long so here it goes:

Zayra: Ugh. When Ray Davies dies he will immediately start spinning the second the last shovel full of dirt goes on.

Patrice: Well the lads liked you, but I think Kurt Cobain has done a few turns himself tonite.

Ryan: Dude this is RockStar not American Idol

Storm: Good call by David Navarro: This is not 'Cats'

Jill: Are you sure you never saw the cover of "Live Through This"? Courtney Love is spinning and she's not even dead (yet).

Dana: Trying to justify the Dirty Girl image was hilarious. With a face like yours you should be trying out for the Broadway version of "High School Musical"

Jenny: Heck I don't even remember why I didn't like your performance, but you made my list....

Ok before I get to the winners I want to note that Magni, and especially Phil and Chris didn't make either list. They all improved over last week IMHO.

And now this weeks winners: (IMHO) This is all ready a two horse race just two weeks into the show, with one outside possibility. Toby has the looks, the voice, and seems to be able to pull off a Rock Star Attitude, but he has a tough climb against the big two: Lukas and Dilana. Dilana turned "Ring of Fire"into a gothic anthem and just blew me away(and the band and the audience). Lukas did a bang up job on a song by Coldplay and is still right there with Dilana.

Can't wait until tomorrow night to see what piece of trash is thrown in the dumpster.....

Monday, July 10, 2006

Rangers vs. Devils in the Off Season

It's time to look at the hockey off season from the perspective of two out of our three local teams (sorry still can't take the islanders seriously...yet) The rangers and the Devils have taken two different paths in the free agent market.

The rangers made one of those big splashy Broadway type signing getting former Red Wing and Devil Brendan Shanahan as an urestricted free agent. They also took a couple of the role players from the cup winning 'Canes, Matt Cullen and Aaron Ward. With the core of their team returning the rangers look to be very strong going into the start of next season BUT.....

I like the path that the Devils took. They played very very well at the end of last season and they have kept the team together signing Patrick Elias, Jamie Lagenbrunner, and Colin White.

All in all I can't wait for the puck to drop! LET'S GO DEVILS!!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

RockStar:Supernova July 6,2006

WOW was I shocked at who got the boot from RockStar. The bottom three were Phil, Matt and of course Chris. Chris went first and quite frankly his rendition of "LA Woman" was almost as bad as his version of "Roxanne" last night. I thought that they should have shown him the door then and there and shaved a half an hour off the show. But in the spirit of fair play, Phil was up next. Again he failed to deliver a "Rock Star" performance but I felt he was safe because of Chris.

Then there was Matt. He chose Duran Duran's "Planet Earth". To me this was a bold choice and exactly what I was saying about the Rockers choosing the same songs over and over. Matt went outside of the box. And he did a great great job. In fact a friend, who is a 30 year Duran Duran fan said it was the best version of "Planet Earth" that he had ever heard. And Matt's song choice proved to be his undoing. It was not the sound that SuperNova was looking for. But looking deeper (thank to my Duran Duran friend) there is a long standing feud between Tommy Lee's Motley Crew and Duran Duran. So poor Matt chose the wrong song and now he's gone.................

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Rock Star: Supernova 7/5/06

Well Hockey is over so that means it must be time for the one reality show that I watch, Rock Star. Ok so last year I had something invested in the show as I was an Inxs fan. This year it's a little different as the band is a super group looking for a lead singer. SuperNova features Tommy Lee of Motley Crew, Gilby Clark of Guns and Roses and Justin Newstead of Metellica. Not exactly my cup of tea, but heck I'll watch anyway. So here are some thoughts after night one:

THE VIBE: The same theater, the same hosts, David Navarro and Brooke Burke,and the always excellent House Band, have lead to a very comfortable and familiar feeling to the show. SuperNova sits in the same chairs and passes judgment on the Rockers. So far so good....

The Rockers: Well, after one show, and keep in mind I am an INXS fan, I have to say that this group is NOT as talented as the first show. Now it takes some time to thin the heard, but I recall that some of the singers in the INXS show stood out from day one. Not so tonight.....

Song Selection: Why, oh Why, do the women always trot out Janis Joplin and Melissa Etheridge? In fact many of the songs by both the men and the women were repeated from the first series. There aren't enough songs out there in the world? Oh well it makes for good TV, I guess.....

Losers: My first prediction and it may be a lock: Bye Bye Chris from Atlanta. The word butcher describes his take on the Police classic Roxanne......

and Winners: I liked the Aussie Surfer dude, Toby (Knocking on Heaven's Door). And the gal from South Africa, Dilana scared the bejabbers out of everyone, including Tommy Lee.......