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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

RockStar:SuperNova July 26,2006

The Elimination Show. Well just an observation first: separated at birth, Jason Newstead and Ryan Stiles from the "Drew Carey Show"?? Yes? No? Just Asking...

Well the bottom 5 were pretty much as I had thought, but the results were surprising to say the least. First up was Patrice and she gave her best performance of the show with Radiohead's 'My Iron Lung'. She put some life into her show..

Next up was Zayra. I was not familiar with the song she did 'Not an Addict" by K's Choice. She does OK with slow ballads but I cannot see any way this performance kept her on the show. Point # 1 it was her third time in the bottom three. Three strikes and you're out? Point #2 Are SuperNova looking for a lead singer or a lead stripper? Point # 3 If this was a pop show it would be her, Josh and Ryan battling it out for the top spot. It's a Rock Show however. She has to go!!

Phil. Ah poor Phil. Again I was not familiar with the song 'Smoking Umbrella' by Failure, but I thought he did a good job. Better than Zayra at any rate. IMHO Phil didn't even belong in the bottom three this week, that honor should have gone to Josh or Jill. But Phil was voted off the Island and we have to put up with Zayra for another week......

and the encore this week went to......Storm. WTG Stormy!


  • At Thursday, July 27, 2006 12:53:00 PM, Blogger LA said…

    I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said. Patrice was in the bottom three...why? Should have been Josh or Jill. Zayra survived over Phil? No way. Did you noticed how stunned the rest of the rockers were that Z survived? I think it was Jason and Gilby who wanted Phil off, it looked to me Tommy was pro-Phil.

  • At Thursday, July 27, 2006 9:47:00 PM, Blogger eddie said…

    Yeah, the whole Zayra thing is getting out of hand. Josh is totaly annoying. Jill is from my neck of the woods and I know the type all too well....Anyway thanks of the comment, I usually post after each show....I guess I need a life????

  • At Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:38:00 PM, Blogger LA said…

    Check out my blog. I've got a piece from YouTube that is the UNCUT version of Phil getting eliminated. Every thing will make sense after you see it.

    My only regret is that they edited this out of the elimination show last week. They really should have shown this!

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