
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

RockStar:Supernova July 18,2006

First off we had a huge thunderstorm with lots of lightning and hail and the power went out. Unfortunately, the power came back on in time to watch Rockstar.

Second point: I have said that this version of Rockstar was like watching a train wreck. Well we were watching a show on SciFi called 'Dead Like Me' where the star is a brand new Grim Reaper. The first soul she is assigned to get belongs to a little girl who is supposed to die in a train wreck. It seems I have been doing train wrecks a disservice by comparing them to RockStar, the train wreck was much more humane and easier on the eyes and ears.

That being said here goes this weeks take on, well 47 minutes of shite and about 5 minutes of good performances. On the bad ledger (the long list) I will start with:

Josh: BUTCHER! Did you fight for 'Come As You Are' so you could slaughter it? PLEASE wind up in the bottom three and be gone.....

The Rockstar Website: I can't even get on to vote or to remember the rest of the crap that the so called Rockers did tonight. I'll do my best.....

Ryan: If you smiled your face would crack, which could be an improvement....

Jill: A girl we have met many times in our neck of the woods..The big mouthed Long Island Princess.........

Zayra: Ok now I really 'Hurt' Not even sometimes after listing to you, it's all the time honey.....

Toby: My man fell flat on his surfer dude Aussie face. With his looks he'll never be in the bottom three but OUCH!

Dana: Even if she gets the bottom three this week, WHICH SHE DESERVES, Tommy Lee will never vote her off....

And now, after taking a deep breath this weeks winners (The short list):

Magni: The dude from Iceland rocked out STP. Great Job!

Dilana: What can I, or anyone say? They could stop the show now and Supernova could go on the road with her. She is that good and soooo much better than these other hacks. I will watch the show for Dilana and the House Band. The rest can just leave.....


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