
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Some Public Thanks..............

We are out of our apartment of the last 16 years and here are some people I need to say thank you for gittin her done...

Mom and Dad S. For taking us in

Mom And Dad F. For all the help the last two weeks even though you had a long ride

Scott P. Friend, customer and all around great guy

Wayne B. Couldn't have done it with your first ride in a Freightliner!

Nephews Matt and Jeff..Thank you for all your help!

Linda and Brian.....Another long ride thanks for taking the A/C's

Harry, Patty, and Robert..Thanks for taking all the tag sale stuff and the washing machine..

Cindy..Thanks for hanging out with Barbara and making the runs to the thrift store

Cathy...Hope Jessie has enough stuff now ! Tupperware rules!

I hope I didn't miss anyone....But if I did and to all who did help a big huge THANK YOU VERY MUCH!


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