
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

RockStar:Supernova July 19,2006

The painful elimination show. This show needs more fiber! Once again I'm wrong, wrong,wrong (0-3) on who got the boot. So some random thoughts on tonight's show:

What does Josh Logan have against Kurt Cobain? Just choosing another Nirvana song should have gotten him kicked off before he had a chance to sing.........

Dana will stay on the show for as long as Tommy Lee can keep her there. I will say she gave the best performance tonight, but that is not saying much.......

Jenny will revive the Lilith Fair Tour. It will play in Moose Jaw, Moose Factory, and Moose Dupont's home town at which point the tour bus will freeze to death. Jenny got the boot tonight, but it should have been ALL THREE OF THEM!!!!

Oh yeah, props to Magni for the encore. Here are my top 3 as I see them:

#3) Magni

#2) Lukas

#1) Dilana


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