
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Life Goes On..............................

Monday, September 26, 2005

Nascar, The Chase for the Ratings...............

After two dissapointing finishes by defending champ Kurt Bush, Nascar is once again ready to tinker with the rules. We WILL have a points race for the last 10 races, with 10 cars in said chase. So what they are saying is they want to now keep separte points for the chase cars, so the worse a chase car could finish is 10th instead of their acutal finishing postion. This keeps the top 10 nice and bunched together and almost guarantees a battle at the last race for the championship. Say anyone notice that the chase for the cup starts pretty much when the NFL does? Ratings, baby! BTW my boy, Tony Stewart, had a nice 200 point lead before the chase started two weeks ago, now he's what? 4th in the standings? Should be the whole season, the entire body of work....grump grump!

The Zen of Lawnmower Repair..............

Full of Doubt, Full of Doubt, Full of Doubt. Then a simple thing happens to restore one's sense of worth. It all started a week ago when my landlord's lawnmower was stolen out of the garage. I had been doing a section of the lawn for a reduced price in my rent. Oh, Oh no lawnmower, more rent $$$$ ??? There was an old rusty lawnmower in the back of the garage, so I got my tools and had a go at. After removing and cleaning the spark plug, I then took off the carb and cleaned it. Then I took off the gas tank and dumped the old gas. After carefully putting it all back together, no spare parts leftover, it was the moment of truth! Added fresh gas and.....vroom, she started ON THE FIRST PULL. The lawn was cut and peace restorted. Yeah!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Life in the P.O.

I do love my job. Sometimes though it is very hard to work for the Post Office. After 19 years on the job and 17 years on the same route, I have come to expect things to be a certain way. One truth is that the town in which I work gets a lot of catalogue mail after Labor Day. So imagine my surprise yesterday when I had almost no mail at my case and hardly any parcel post. On Thursdays we get two newspapers to deliver, and that usually means 2 hours overtime in the fall. Shock and dismay was what I felt. But guess what? Boss says we got a call from the plant today. Looks like we are about to be buried with Bulk Business Mail, either tomorrow or by Monday at the latest. Dear Mr. Plant Manager, Please spread the mail out EVENLY. Feast or famine. So why do you get your mail at 2:00 pm one day and 5:30 the next? It ain't your carriers fault!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

RockStar INXS Sept 20,2005

"Act well at the moment and you have performed a good action to all eternity"
- Johann Kaspar Lavatar (1741- 1801)

JD Fortune, the man with the Rock Star name and attitude, is the new lead singer for INXS. Surprised? No. He was the most like M.H. and will bring the same swagger to the back catalogue. I feel that the lads will have their hands full with JD, he seems to need a swift kick in the hind quarters from time to time. In the end, he was the best man for the job and I say Here Here and Congrats......

Marty Casey will come away from this with a wonderful career. He was asked to consider opening for INXS' upcoming world tour. Dave Navarro wants to play guitar on Marty's first album. I think Marty will do very well in the future and I will be the first to buy his album.

Mig Ayesa, well back to the Wiggles! No, Just Kidding. Mig also has a bright future, perhaps this is a ticket to Broadway for him. We should see him leading the rest of the rockers on a tour, perhaps next spring........

And so ends RockStar INXS. I may now resume my "normal" Life...............

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

It Comes Down to This..............................

I haven't been captivated by a show like this for a long time. Tonight, starting in about two hours from now, INXS will choose their new lead singer. Marty, JD, or MIG, it's up to the lads in INXS. But what happens to ME? I will define the summer of 2005 by this show. Ok so I just downloaded some tracks (got Marty doing "I Alone" on as I write this) but what am I going to do, like next week? Oh well just have to wait for the RockStar tour to come to our area.............

Monday, September 19, 2005

Spam Alert in Comments


So I see I finally get some comments to my posts. I think, YEAH! But lo and behold, although there are some nice positive comments, they all have a web site to click on to. Folks, DO NOT CLICK ONTO these sites. No idea what nasty virus or spyware could be attached. I want BluePumaBlues to be a positive experience not some computer wrecking nightmare. DAMN YOU SPAMMERS GO AWAY!

RockStar INXS The final three

Well we are down to the final show on Tuesday night in which INXS will pick their new lead singer. I waited to watch the Sunday show before making my selection and I'm glad I did, for it may have changed my thoughts on who is going to win. Here is my take on each rocker, in no particular order as Brooke would say:

Mig: Wow. After he finally landed in the bottom three and had to do an INXS song all I can say is WOW. Who knew? He did so well that I have to wonder if it hurt him not to do more INXS songs. Mig took a big gamble by picking the song by Queen for two reasons. One it is well known he was in the Queen musical and two that song has so many vocal changes it is just very difficult to do. My guess: 2nd place.

Marty: He impressed Andrew Farris with both his preparation and his song writing ability. "Wish You Were Here" is a very strong song him to do. Last time he did it, he brought a tear to my eye. On the downside I think that Marty may just not be the right fit for INXS. Unless they are looking to go in a new direction. Still I think his mad skills and song writing win him the top spot. Or third place......

J.D. Up and down and in the song writing clinic with Andrew he was definatly down. He did not come prepared and it wasn't the first time this has happened. Will it cost him? On the upside he is the most like M.H.. If INXS are looking to basically have the same band he is the man. Also the band loves, no make that LOVES, his song "Pretty Vegas" and they would like to add it to their catalogue. J.D. finishes third...or first................

This is all up to INXS now. I think the direction they have in mind for the band will dictate the winner and I say it will be either Marty or J.D. Can't wait for Tuesday Night!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

50 Years On.............

1955-2005. 50 Years. That's how long my parents have been married. Like Ben Stine would say, WOW.
It is remarkable, given how things are in today's world. So many people get married and then get divorced. My parents have put meaning to their wedding vows. It is refreshing to see. We can all learn from them.

We had a fine party for them last night, bringing friends and family together. There were people I haven't seen in a long long time. A good time was had by all and we paid our respects to the institution of marriage.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Rock Star INXS 9-13-05

Wow, with 4 rockers left are we getting down to it or what? And how about that Brooke Burke?

Tonight I will give to JD. His "Vegas" song could have been on KICK. Tim F. from INXS was totaly into it. He did good on Pink Floyd's 'Money' too. But I still wonder if his arrogence is a good match for the band. In another time and place he would have been called a huckster. He has a knack for saying what people want to hear.

Marty, my main man. "Trees" is a catchy pop song. Is it an INXS song? I dunno. When Marty did "Creep" by Radiohead, I really felt it. Marty did not hurt himself tonight.

Suzie: I still don't get it, but she did well. The girl can sing and she showcased "What's Up" by Four Non-Blondes. Still can't see her doing the INXS back catalogue tho......

Mig: Ouch. Good on Seal's "Kissed by a Rose" but flat on the Rolling Stone's "Fade To Black". He can strut like Sir Mick, why didn't he tonight? It wasn't all that bad but with just 4 left you have to put it all on the table and Mig fell just a tiny bit short IMHO. Mig, you'll be in the bottom three this week.

My Standings:

Tonight: 1) JD 2) Marty 3) Suzie 4) Mig

Overall: 1) Marty 2) JD 3) Mig 4) Jordis (yeah I know she's out) 5) Suzie

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Quick trip to Florida

Did something this weekend a little...crazy. Took off Friday morn and made a run to Orlando, came back early this morning and went to work. One crazy weekend in O-Town! Met up with friend "T" and his Mom. Went out for drinks, had drinks and then drank some more. Yahoo! All to celebrate, with good friends, the 15th year of my marriage to the Sainted Wife. Flying is great, but stay away from transfers in Atlanta!


Thursday, September 08, 2005

So much to say.................

Well gentle readers, as you may have noticed I have been absent from my blog for a period of time. Things have gotten, well strange. I'll try to deal with my jumble of thoughts and try to bring this blog back up to speed:

Katrina: OMG those poor people. We have lost an American city. It is hard to watch or even listen to the news, and I am a bit of a newshound. We all can help in our own way of course, but also keep the victems in your thoughts and prayers.

Bike: One of the reasons I haven't spent a lot of time on the 'puter is I have started to commute to work on my bike. Again. With the great weather we have been having and, yes ok, the price of gasoline it just seemed the thing to do. Plus after you have spent 5 days on a cruise ship, you need the exercise...... At any rate, the 4 mile ride is a wee bit tough, given the hills (Hey this is New England!) and my rather portly size. Each day I make it a little farther up the tougher hills and have conquored a few of the smaller ones....

Work: but really, the big complaint is that the mail volume is back (It's cataloge season) and we are still starting at 8:00 am instead of 7:30 am. Once the foot is in the door........

RockStar INXS: Ok I never really took to the reality TV show. But as a fan Of the band INXS (pronounced "in excess") I had to give the show a chance as they looked for a new lead singer. Reel me in, they got me hook line and sinker. Tonight we watched and one of our favorites, Jordis, was dumped. 4 rockers remain. Tension mounts. Tune in nest week.....

That's it for now Peace

Friday, September 02, 2005

Rock Star INXS 08/31/05

When all is said and done this edition of Rock Star will be remembered as the night that TY played the race card. Sorry Dude, it had nothing to do with your race, you just, well I wanted to say sucked but that wouldn't be right. Ty can sing and sing well, it's just not the right stuff to front INXS. Ty, you got a lot more exposure than any other struggling musician could ever dream of. I just hope that playing the race card didn't destroy any chances you may have in the future.

And BTW Marty ruled on Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here"

Suzie? I don't think so. Not fronting INXS.

My Rankings after this week:
