
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Nascar, The Chase for the Ratings...............

After two dissapointing finishes by defending champ Kurt Bush, Nascar is once again ready to tinker with the rules. We WILL have a points race for the last 10 races, with 10 cars in said chase. So what they are saying is they want to now keep separte points for the chase cars, so the worse a chase car could finish is 10th instead of their acutal finishing postion. This keeps the top 10 nice and bunched together and almost guarantees a battle at the last race for the championship. Say anyone notice that the chase for the cup starts pretty much when the NFL does? Ratings, baby! BTW my boy, Tony Stewart, had a nice 200 point lead before the chase started two weeks ago, now he's what? 4th in the standings? Should be the whole season, the entire body of work....grump grump!


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