
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Life in the P.O.

I do love my job. Sometimes though it is very hard to work for the Post Office. After 19 years on the job and 17 years on the same route, I have come to expect things to be a certain way. One truth is that the town in which I work gets a lot of catalogue mail after Labor Day. So imagine my surprise yesterday when I had almost no mail at my case and hardly any parcel post. On Thursdays we get two newspapers to deliver, and that usually means 2 hours overtime in the fall. Shock and dismay was what I felt. But guess what? Boss says we got a call from the plant today. Looks like we are about to be buried with Bulk Business Mail, either tomorrow or by Monday at the latest. Dear Mr. Plant Manager, Please spread the mail out EVENLY. Feast or famine. So why do you get your mail at 2:00 pm one day and 5:30 the next? It ain't your carriers fault!


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