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Monday, September 19, 2005

RockStar INXS The final three

Well we are down to the final show on Tuesday night in which INXS will pick their new lead singer. I waited to watch the Sunday show before making my selection and I'm glad I did, for it may have changed my thoughts on who is going to win. Here is my take on each rocker, in no particular order as Brooke would say:

Mig: Wow. After he finally landed in the bottom three and had to do an INXS song all I can say is WOW. Who knew? He did so well that I have to wonder if it hurt him not to do more INXS songs. Mig took a big gamble by picking the song by Queen for two reasons. One it is well known he was in the Queen musical and two that song has so many vocal changes it is just very difficult to do. My guess: 2nd place.

Marty: He impressed Andrew Farris with both his preparation and his song writing ability. "Wish You Were Here" is a very strong song him to do. Last time he did it, he brought a tear to my eye. On the downside I think that Marty may just not be the right fit for INXS. Unless they are looking to go in a new direction. Still I think his mad skills and song writing win him the top spot. Or third place......

J.D. Up and down and in the song writing clinic with Andrew he was definatly down. He did not come prepared and it wasn't the first time this has happened. Will it cost him? On the upside he is the most like M.H.. If INXS are looking to basically have the same band he is the man. Also the band loves, no make that LOVES, his song "Pretty Vegas" and they would like to add it to their catalogue. J.D. finishes third...or first................

This is all up to INXS now. I think the direction they have in mind for the band will dictate the winner and I say it will be either Marty or J.D. Can't wait for Tuesday Night!


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