
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Your Letter Carrier has NO contract

We have been working without a contract since November 20. Of course we cannot and IMHO should not, go on strike. Of course we continue to work under the provisions of the old contract so it's OK.

Anyway at our union meeting tonight we discussed what is on the table for our next contract. Without going into boring details, let's just say that this one could be a life changing event. Or not. If 21 years in the Postal Service has taught me one thing, it is don't get too worked up about something until it happens. However, having said that, I must say at this point in time I do NOT support our contract proposal. There are a few hitches in it which I think could, over time, prove to be serious flaws. But and OK this is a big BUT, things will change 20 times between now and the time the ink is put in place, so at this point I'm not too worried.....



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