
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

One more Grump and Happy Hockey!

OK I was tired when I posted my grumps and I forgot my major Grump on the Daytona 500. 3:30 pm starting time? You have got to be kidding me! OK they need the lights for the July 4 race, it is very hot there in July. But it had to be cool to cold sitting in grandstands as the sun went down on Sunday. Besides, I'm old school: Everyone knows the Daytona 500 starts at 12:15pm...right? Rant Mode Off.....

OK the Devils have started a week that features two home and home games first with the rangers and then the Washington Capitals this coming weekend. Tonight was the first game against the rangers in New Jersey. The Devils were playing without their two best forwards, Brian Gionta and Patrick Elias and the rangers were without Brendan Shanahan who was seriously injured on Saturday in a violent collision with the Flyer's Mike Knuble. The accidental hit dislodged Shanahan's helmet and the back of his head hit the ice. He was knocked out cold for several minutes. Here is wishing him a speedy recovery....

So anyway, this game was played like a playoff game with great hitting and rushes up and down the ice. ranger bad boy Sean Avery was getting into Marty Brodeurs face all evening and finally near the end of the second period they got into a shoving match. Lot's of emotion and intense play throughout the game. The Devils wound up winning 2-1 on a goal by Zach Parise in the third period. And the best part is they meet again on Thursday night in Madison Square Garden! LET'S GO DEVILS........


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