
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day 2007

Ah love is in the wait that's freezing rain. Yep, we had a big old ice storm today. Froze the doors shut on the trusty Camary. Not too much snow here. We live right on Long Island Sound so the warm water pushed the snow away, but not the cold, so everything is frozen solid. Perhaps we would have been better off with a foot of snow? Anyway I took today off from work, to take my wife to the doctors. First off I planned this before I knew about the weather and second it was not fun going out in the trusty Camary today. Oh well, we got home safe. We even stopped at Stew Leonard's. Stew's bills itself as the world's largest dairy store and is a bit of a tourist destination in our hometown. It is usually packed and the parking lot is big time crazy. The ice kept the open store empty today and I had a pleasant shopping experience there! So it's not all bad..............................


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