
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Grumpy Weekend

I had a very Grumpy weekend. Work was, well, cold outside and cold hearted inside. Outside the weather was frightful, cold, ice on the ground. It took a lot out me physically. On Friday I missed a MSP scan on my route, only for the second time since the program started. MSP or Managed Service Points are bar codes that are placed in mailboxes at various intervals around a route. We have to scan all of them everyday. So I missed one out of thousands that I hit. Yep, I got called into the office for a lecture. Oh Well...... Grump, Grump.

Friday night we went to up to Bridgeport to see the Soundtigers v. the Lowell Devils again, for the second time in six days. First off I put the car about a foot to far into our steep driveway and yep, it got stuck on the ice. My wife finally got it out after taking to the bottom, turning it around and making several runs up the sheet of ice. It took about a half hour to free the trusty Camary. Grump, Grump.

So we get to the game, just in time for the start. It was just a boring game. Hey , it happens. Bridgeport won 4-1, but there was no outstanding play, nothing to point your finger at and say " Hey that was cool." And the Arena at Harbor Yards was empty or almost so. Still it was a night out, but frankly I need to see a bit more action when paying $50.00 for two tickets to a minor-pro game......Grump, Grump.

Ah the Daytona 500. At one time the sporting event that I lived and died for. This year I didn't follow anything at all during the week that leads up to the race. Heck, I didn't even know who won the truck race Friday night. That is usually a must see for a true fan and by all accounts it lived up to being the best race of Speedweek, but I just didn't care enough to find out about it. Of course I blame NA$CAR. They cooked the golden goose and threw away the leftovers. It just is not the same sport that I enjoyed growing up. Grump, Grump.

So, by rote I made the traditional Daytona 500 chili and we headed off to Scott P's house. Scott is a customer on my mail route and he has the big HD TV with the surround sound, so that was cool. While the early part of the race was boring and my guy, Tony Stewart, got knocked out early, I cannot complain about the finish itself. It was spectacular. HOWEVER, I had some major problems with the coverage:
A) OK Kelly Clarkson do one song and get the heck off the track, Three Songs? You have got to be kidding me. I wanted to see a race, not a concert.

B) Too many adverts and at the wrong time. This is a complaint among all fans, but this year it seemed really bad. I saw the start of one crash as they were leaving the air to go to commercial why didn't they cut back? Perhaps a commercial free pay per view option should be made available, shoot with a bunch of guys watching we could come up with say $50 for the Daytona 500.

C) The video game recreation of the accident? Throw that in the trash NOW.

Grump, Grump.

And finally Ms. Spears haircut. Page 6 material at best. Yet the New York Daily News and ( I'm sure) several other papers around the USA devoted not one but two days of front page headlines to the brat. Uh, 'suce me, how many people died in Iraq this weekend? Hello, aren't we at war? Wouldn't a city council meeting have more meaning to an average Joe, than Ms. Spears? Just wondering?

Grump Grump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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