
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Monday, November 06, 2006


I had this past weekend off so the sainted wife and I loaded up the new Toyota and headed north and west to the fair city of Buffalo, NY. My brother and his family had just moved out to a suburb of Buffalo so we wanted to see his new house. Seven and a half hours, most of it on the New York State Thruway, after leaving home we arrived. OK so there wasn't 50 feet of snow on the ground. It was a little bit colder than home. We stayed at my bro's house and he has got himself a really great home. Nice and big with a fair sized bit of land, and for a fair price too. The highlight of our trip was a journey to the Anchor Bar, the home of the Buffalo Wing. To be sure we polished off a large tray of wings and a local sandwich called beef on wec. A "wec" is a kind of roll with salt and caraway seeds. Anyway it was all good and we drove home yesterday. Some thoughts about Buffalo:

1) They like food. Wings, natch. But hot dogs from Ted's, Webber's mustard, Tim Horton's Donuts are all part of the basic Buffalo food pyramid.

2) Thus, I felt like a real skinny person

3) We did see some snow on the ground from the big storm last month, but the temp wasn't bad. My bro lives outside the so called snow belt, ie: he'll only get 4 feet when in town gets 8....

4) They love their Sabers and Bills up there...

5) The NY State Thruway is one of the smoothest highways I've been on in the Northeast..

6) But $28.00 in tolls round trip? Add the gas and food and it may be cheaper to fly....


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