
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

RockStar:SuperNova Sept. 13, 2006 IT'S OVER

So were do I get a refund on my summer? I dunno, I think that if you look up anticlimactic you would see a picture of the RS/SN logo. To me it was no real surprise who won, but it still kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. The people who did not win should go on to sell many albums and live happy, productive lives. The winner, along with the band, may be on the short (pun intended) road to burn out city.

First up was to eliminate one of the remaining four Rockers. This time they went with the bottom two and Magni, Lukas,and Toby were told to stand. Lukas got to sit down.

Magni: Lead off with Jimi Hendix's "Fire". He put his heart and soul into it, but it was clear that his time was short. Hail to the Ice Man, great vocals, great guitar player (in another blog I read, it was thought that Gilby was jealous of Magni's playing) and a great personality. Had he won I would have bought tickets to see SuperNova.

Toby: He did Billy Idol's "White Wedding". He had the crowd with him but to me he seemed a little tight. He also guessed correctly that he was already in the final three.

So Magni was sent packing leaving Lukas, Dilana, and Toby. They each performed a favorite cover song from earlier in the show:

Lukas: "Bittersweet Symphony" by The Verve. OK, I will give you that Lukas did a great job on this song, much better than the first time he did it.

Dilana: "Zombie" by the Cranberries. She was back in familiar territory, back at the top and singing with confidence.

Toby: "Somebody Told Me" by the Killers. Toby was also in a comfort zone with this song.

So the next Rocker to go, after being told how great he was, and a whole bunch of other positive stuff, was Toby. A shockwave went through the audience as young girls hearts were broken. Maybe Toby was too cute for this band of aging grizzled veterans. Had Toby won I would have bought tickets for a show....

This left Dilana and Lukas standing on the stage and gave us the best line of the night when Dave Navarro said it looked like a goth wedding. Good Call Dave! There was much talk and internet rumor that SuperNova might take two singers but that was not to be. Lukas Rossi was named the lead singer of SuperNova, not a huge surprise, but somehow much like a Cheese Doodle, no nutritional value and it leaves your hands a yellow mess. I wish them luck but IMHO, just one SuperNova album and done....

SuperNova then did a couple of songs "Be YourSelf"and "It's All Love" to close the evening. And what did we learn gentle reader?

1) In order to win a RockStar competition you must be a homeless Canadian.

2) The best Rocker doesn't win

3) Now I have nothing to do on Tuesday and Wednesday nights

Damn You Mark Burnett Productions, Damn You!


  • At Thursday, September 14, 2006 12:36:00 AM, Blogger LA said…

    Word. I want a refund. It was so anti-climatic, and I didn't like the way they handled Toby at all. Also, I have it on good authority that all the former rockers were in the audience (except Z), and I can't believe they didn't show them.

    Lastly, and this may not have happened in your time zone, but in my time zone, about 15 minutes into the finale, CBS showed a Survivor commercial with LUKAS INTERMIXED! My sister and I just looked at each other and went, WTF, CBS JUST SPOILED THIS SHOW! Sure enough, 30 minutes later, Lukas was named the "winner."

    No more reality TV for me, especially if it has the MBP stamp on it!

  • At Thursday, September 14, 2006 8:47:00 AM, Blogger eddie said…

    We TiVo'd the show and we cut out the commercials so I didn't notice. However, to make one wonder about the voting in the first place did you notice that Lukas had the same T-shirt and pants on as he had the night before? Just like Florida, your vote dosen't matter!


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