
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Catching Up...

Been a busy week and now I've topped it off with the first cold I've had in two years. Anyway I went up to Boston on Sunday to ride my bike in the Hub On Wheels charity ride. My buddy Scott and I made the trip and he is an ace when it comes to long rides. This was my first time, so naturally we chose the longest route, 40 miles. It was AWESOME right from the start at City Hall Plaza, down Storrow drive to the Arnold Arboretum. However good luck was not with me as I suffered three (3!) flats and I had to abandon after 15 miles. Fortunately a park ranger came along and gave me a lift back to civilization.

The mail has picked up and work is getting very hard again. It's CATALOG season and every catalog in the world is sent to my little suburban route meaning very heavy mail satchels and a sore and tired me at the end of the day!

HOCKEY IS BACK! Whoo Hoo! Let the games begin. The Devils open tomorrow night against the 'Canes in North Carolina. LET'S GO DEVILS !!!!!!

TV: My new must see show is Jericho. It's a bit like Lost except it's easier to follow the plot. Also love the new Doctor on Doctor Who. Other than that: HOCKEY!!!


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