
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Sicker than a dog and Who's snow is it anyway?

Yea Gods did I just get over the stomach bug of all time. I don't think I have ever been that sick in my life. Tuesday night my wife and I went to dinner at our favorite diner. I got up Wednesday morning at 4:30 am to drive up to Hartford on Post Office business and that's when it started. An hour after getting into the bathroom I finally crawled back into bed where I spent the entire day, minus several trips to the head. I was cramping and sweating and thought about old mr. e coli several times. Stayed home from work today and finally ate some solid food this afternoon. Looks like I'll live...........

HA HA My kid brother packed his kit and kaboodle and moved his family to the Buffalo area. They had their first SNOWFALL today. He told me it started about 1:30 pm and hasn't stopped yet. He says its not sticking at his house but 6 miles away they have 2 inches so far.....It was short sleeve weather here today........


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