
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Moving Right Along..............

October has been a very exciting month for me so far. On the transportation front I did part of (three flat tires!) my first charity bicycle ride on the 1st. We finally got a car on the road after being without one for several months. It's a 1994 Toyota Camary and it will be a worthy vehicle that will get us to and from and back again.

Then there is the writing thing. I got my first article published in the Fairfield County Weekly our local alternative/arts newspaper. I was talking to the editor today and they really liked my work and they want to see more. I will be going to the home opener of the Bridgeport Sound Tigers hockey game on Friday night to cover it for the paper. Very Cool! My head is full of ideas, so we'll see where this thing goes....

Tomorrow night it's back to the union hall. With all the chaos in the past few months I've had to put my brothers and sisters on the back burner, but I'm BAACCK. Management Beware!

This past Saturday and Monday nights I got to sit down and watch my New Jersey Devils for the first time this season. Won on Saturday, lost to the rangers last night. Hockey Rules! Let's Go Devils!!!!!


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