
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The independent Bar: Home At Last

Been a while since we've been out clubbing. In fact we don't even have what I consider to be a proper club here on the Gold Coast any more. Ah but in Orlando there is an amazing space, the independent Bar.
It was like old times. New Wave on the main dance floor and industrial in the basement. AND IT WAS FREAKIN GREAT. 50 cent well drinks until midnight on Sundays. OMG the vodka and cranberry flowed. I found the perfect truth on the dance floor, that moment when the music, the lights, the gyrating bodies,and yes the liquor all come together in a cosmic convergence unseen since the Big Bang. The neat thing about clubbers is that it doesn't matter how old you are or how you look, everyone is there for the party, and that is another great freedom. I lost 15 years in an instant. Danced like a fool. Wish I was back in O-Town so I could go back this weekend. WOW!!!!


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