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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

RockStar:SuperNova Sept. 12, 2006

Just 4 Rockers left. A chance to let the music speak. A chance to let the fans vote and their voice be heard. Or so I thought. SuperNova and Dave Navarro stayed out of the way with one glaring exectption in a comment by Tommy Lee, which IMHO killed the chances of someone I had hoped would win. Paula Abdul was in the house but Tommy had Simon's spirit tonight.....

Ok we started the night off with an encore by one of the rockers who had been previously voted off. Ryan Star got the nod and he did his original song "Back Of Your Car" . Great job and Ryan got a new Honda for his efforts. Now down to business.

Toby Rand was up first and he did "Karma Police" by Radiohead. This was the old Toby to me, because he started slow and finished strong. No Worries Mate. He then did his song "Throw It Away" and he asked Magni to play guitar with him. Toby even wrote his trademark "EVS" on the back of Magni's head with a marker...LOL.

Lukas Rossi was next and his cover song was "Fix You" by Coldplay. Both of Lukas' performances were all about sucking up to Jason Newstead. He did his original song "Head Spin" acoustic, so he could sing slow and open his throat and enunciate his lyrics. He did the same with the Coldplay song. I liked "Head Spin" better as a rocking loud song, but SuperNova ate up both of his performances. Lukas is back in the no fault zone.

Dilana did "Roxanne" by the Police as her cover. She had Toby, Lukas, Magni, and Ryan doing backing vocals. This was as strong as her vocals have been in a few weeks and her leg has healed up a bit and she looked more relaxed. I also like her original "Super Soul" better this time around. One little nit to pick, at the end of 'Roxanne' she pronounced it Rox-anna. Just a nit. I guess Dilana is back but IMHO the damage was done a few weeks ago.

Ah and now Magni. He tore up the theater with his cover of Deep Purple's 'Hush'. He just tore it up! Then he did his original "When The Time Comes". I like it, it had a very grungy feel to it and it rocked: LOUD. But Tommy Lee had a problem with it. He said it wasn't memorable when compared to the other rockers originals. Number one: SuperNova didn't give any of the other rockers one bad word tonight. It appeared to me that they were staying out of the way and letting the music do the talking, which is as it should be. But not for poor Magni. Second, I remember Magni's song, in fact I like it. I liked it better than Dilana's and I think it is on par with Lukas'. Only Toby's song was better, IMHO. So now poor Magni has Tommy Lee's judgment hanging over his head and it showed in the early voting.

SuperNova will be playing near us. I will go to see two of the rockers, I will not pay a dime to see the other two. Tomorrow night it all goes down. Will the best rocker win????????


  • At Thursday, September 14, 2006 12:31:00 AM, Blogger LA said…

    Re: Roxanna

    That's the way Sting has been singing it in recent years. In fact, Dilana made a big deal about "her" arrangement, but that was basically a newer arrangement by Sting himself. Hilarious that she's taking credit for it.


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