
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Ur hmble Blogger returns

Well I'm BAACK! So much to discuss, so little time. First off I conquered some technical difficulties, which kept me of the 'net for a few extra days after returning from my vacation. A new cable modem was picked up and installed and everything is in working order.

A nice 5 day cruise to Canada with my family has recharged my batteries. I don't think I knew just how much I had needed to get away from it all until I was on the ship with an umbrellaed drink in my hand. If you have never been on a cruise, by all means GO! While people on the east coast thinks that a cruise automatically means the Caribbean, St John NB and Halifax, NS are two very fine ports of call. The cruise ship is a world unto itself, so it's fair to say that the cruise is thing no matter where you go. And no matter where you go, there you are.

My,My so much happening. Of course thoughts and prayers go out to all the people in the way of hurricane Katrina. Had to stay home sick today and I watched a lot of the coverage, that storm was (and still is) a bitch.

Pat Robertson, nuff said...................................................

I may or may not get into more details, we shall see how things play out over the next few days....Busy Busy Busy................


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