
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Friday, August 19, 2005

RANT: Why it's tough to be a liberal #1

First in a series:
Here is the thing with us liberals. You can't be for something, if you're not against something. You can't be against something if you're not for something. This contradiction often comes back to bite us liberals in our rear end. An Example:

Free Speech vs P.C. I think that free speech is one of our most precious rights. The founding fathers gave us this right in order to among other things, be able to criticize our own government. They felt that this would keep the government honest, democratic, and in check when the government got too big for it's britches. I am very concerned that our present government has eroded this basic right. It is a right that needs to be defended. I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it.


The liberal who defends the important right of free speech runs smack into the culture of political correctness (P.C.). Now we walk the tight rope. See I believe that using racial names and stereotypes is wrong. We should judge each other on our own individuals merits and not some pre-conceived notions. But that is how I feel. So do I respect your viewpoint and let you say what you want thereby giving YOU your freedom of speech OR do I wave the magic P.C. wand and call you a racist, for example? Personally, I will let you have your say, but be prepared for me to debate your views. Yes I do understand that words can be hurtful, but sometimes it's best to bring things out in the open and use the opportunity to teach.

What's a poor mixed up liberal to do??????


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