
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Monday, January 01, 2007

First Post Of The New YEAR

Funny everything looks just like last year. What is it about humans, and Americans in particular, that we have to attach a numerical value to everything? We live for numbers and their significance. I mean today was just a day that I had off from work. OK I did wake up around 11:00 am at a friends house after working my way through many (I lost count) Sam Adams and staying in the hot tub until 3:00am. But it is still just another day. But now it is 2007! So that means I'll be putting the wrong date on my paper work and checks for the next few months, that's all. I'll be 47 (another assigned number!) years old at some point this year. Big deal. I hope that I'm going to be more physical active than I was 10, 15 or even 20 years ago, this year. I'm challenging myself to ride my bikes as much as possible and to keep on moving. So 47 or 2007 or whatever, I'm just going to do my thing, OK?.........

This is from two New Years Ago: Same Hot Tub, younger me?


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