
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Weekend Update and DEVILS 6, rangers 1

I had a major head cold this weekend, which was OK because I didn't have to work. Did put a damper on a few things though. We did get some Christmas shopping done. I did get my bike shoes and peddles, however the head cold kept me off of my new bike. The weather today would have been perfect for a ride, however I decided to rest up for the week ahead. I'm sure that tomorrow will be our busiest day of the year at the old Post Office. Ho Ho Ho....

Just finished watching the Devils and the rangers. The Devils just stomped the rangers 6 -1. Just to show you that you can watch thousands of hockey games and not see everything, I present the Devils 5th goal of the game. Patrick Elias took a hard wrist shot that bounced right back out. The goal light did not come on nor did the referee indicate a goal. Play continued. And continued. It was over 3 and a half minutes later that the play stopped and the goal was reviewed. The replay clearly showed the puck hit the top corner of the net. Now the weird part. The clock was reset to the time of the goal, erasing the 3:30 played after the goal. If anything had happened like a minor penalty or another goal it would have been erased. Never saw that before. Then the Devils 6th goal was also reviewed and that one counted as well. All Righty Then.......LET'S GO DEVILS !!!!!!!!!



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