
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve 2006

It was very nice having not to go to work today. I did some chores then I got the new (used) bicycle out for its maiden voyage. I need to practice clipping in and out of my pedals before I go for a real ride. I rode around my street and I fell three times after coming to a stop because I was not used to clipping out. Left leg a little bruised, right leg caught the chain ring and got tore up a bit, ego very bruised. I took Old Yellow, the old bike out and took a quick ride down to the beach and back. I will practice my clipping in the basement for a while before I go out in public again with the new bike. Oh well, it's like anything else, the more you do it the better you get.....

We went to my wife's sister's house and had a great meal and some great times with the family. We will go to the other sister's house for Christmas tomorrow. It's all good.......

Merry Christmas!


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