
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Lost Weekend

Argh! Had the weekend off, didn't do much of anything. It got real cold (weather's fixed!) and my arthritis flared up like it never has before. My knuckles are like twice their normal size and my fingers are bent over. I'm having trouble holding on to anything I pick up. It's also in my feet and knees. All one can do, I suppose, is take some Advil and hold on. It sucks getting old!

The Devils are on the road in Florida, coming off the All Star break and they shut out the mighty Tampa Bay Lightning and lost to the lesser Florida Panthers......go figure. Friday night Marty Brodeur was awesome stopping one of the best 1-2-3 scoring punches in the league in the form of Martin St. Louis, Vinny Lecavlier, and Brad Richards. It was Marty's 9Th shutout of the year and his 30Th win of the season, both numbers lead the NHL. It is also the 11Th year in a row that Marty has recorded 30 wins or more. The record for most wins by a goalie in one season is 47, it looks like Marty will break that with ease barring injury. Last night the team looked a little tired after playing the night before. Florida is trying to make the playoffs and are now in desperation mode. they out hustled the Devils and came away with a 4-2 victory. Oh well....LET'S GO DEVILS......

Saturday, January 20, 2007

They done blowed up my building.........

We all have a place or places that were special to us as we were growing up. It may be a park or a beach or gram ma's house. One of mine was a big old ugly arena, The New Haven Veteran's Memorial Coliseum. Opened in 1972 it was home to concerts, and sporting events and being that it was at the crossroads of the two major interstates it was an easy drive from anywhere in Connecticut. Yes, I did say it was ugly. One man on the news described it as " the boiler room of the Titanic". I couldn't have said it any better. It was a big old ugly concrete barn and we loved the place. The parking was on the roof, reached by the spiral ramps on each corner of the building. Then to reach the lobby you had to take an outdoor escalator (I hate escalators!) that was just huge. Inside was some of the worst stadium food ever served to mankind. (but the beer was always good..LOL) BUT WE LOVED THE PLACE.

We saw Yes, the Marshall Tucker Band, The Charlie Daniels band (3 times I think), monster trucks, Ice Capades, and lotsa HOCKEY. The New Haven Nighthawks, were in the late 1970's and 1980's the living embodiment of the movie Slapshot. The Beast of New Haven in the 1990's was a team of young future NHL stars. For 12 dollars a game we used to sit behind the visitor's penalty box and woe be to any player on the opposition who took a penalty. Heh, Heh! Like I said WE LOVED THE PLACE.

Today, after being shut for almost 5 years the Coliseum was imploded. Newer concert venues and arenas spelled the end for the old barn. And down it came.........I shed a tear.......

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Hockey, hockey and more Hockey

So let's go back to Saturday night...with my free preview of NHL Center Ice on our cable network we watched a portion of Hockey Day in Canada. I really loved how in Canada they honor both the past and the future of the game. We flipped between several games and wound up seeing a good match between Edmonton and Calgary. Very Cool....

Sunday we went up to Bridgeport where the Soundtigers were play the Providence Bruins. The man draw, however, was the New Haven Nighthawks reunion. The Nighthawks played in the AHL from 1972 until 1992. Among the players in attendance were Glen "Chico" Resch and Islander's great Bobby Nystrom, both of whom I had a chance to interview for a future article I working on. Chico, who also does the color commentary for the New Jersey Devil's TV broadcast, was a great interview. The man can talk!

Finally tonight was another milestone for da man... MARTY BRODEUR. The Devils beat the rangers 1-0 with Marty recording his 8Th shutout of the season and the 88Th shutout of his career. LET'S GO DEVILS !!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Ok So Here is what Chimerical means...

Main Entry: chi·me·ri·cal
Function: adjectivePronunciation: kī-'mer-i-k&l, k&-, -'mir-Variants: also chi·me·ric
1 : existing only as the product of unchecked imagination : fantastically visionary or improbable 2 : given to fantastic schemes synonym see IMAGINARY - chi·me·ri·cal·ly
/-i-k(&-)le/ adverb

Kinda fits don't it??????

If Bono can be a Sir Why Can't I???

Here is my title. Now if I only knew what it meant.....

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Sir Eddie the Chimerical of Waldenshire under Throcket
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

Sunday, January 07, 2007

MARTY !!!!!!

Sorry New York football fans....your season is......OVER. But of course there is the fine sport of hockey. To bring you up to date the New Jersey Devils beat Ottawa yesterday 3-2 and today beat Montreal 3-0. That is Martin Broduers 87th career shut out....that's why he's smiling...LET"S GO DEVILS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh yeah the Devils are now 6 points ahead of the rangers.....


The weather is broken

It was in the 70's yesterday in the NYC burbs. Jan. 6. That is so wrong. The other shoe will drop. I think we will be up to our noses in snow within two weeks. Or I could be wrong.....

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Yes indeed, today my postal career can legally purchase alcohol. 21 years ago today I started my training to become a letter carrier in Uncle Sam's Postal Service. Some may say I still have some learning to do....let's see......Only 9 years, 5 months and 3 days until I can's that for some math??????

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Why Shoot Outs SUX

Why is the Coach SAD? Cause the Devils lost to the rangers in an eight round shootout, that's why. Neither goalie deserved to get a loss, both played an outstanding game for the 60 minutes of regulation and the 5 minute overtime. BUT because AMERICAN fans can't understand a tie game, we must go to a shoot out and SOMEBODY HAS TO WIN. Sometimes the goaltenders win and a tie is an honorable game. BUT in AMERICA SOMEBODY HAS TO WIN. Darn it all.....

Monday, January 01, 2007

First Post Of The New YEAR

Funny everything looks just like last year. What is it about humans, and Americans in particular, that we have to attach a numerical value to everything? We live for numbers and their significance. I mean today was just a day that I had off from work. OK I did wake up around 11:00 am at a friends house after working my way through many (I lost count) Sam Adams and staying in the hot tub until 3:00am. But it is still just another day. But now it is 2007! So that means I'll be putting the wrong date on my paper work and checks for the next few months, that's all. I'll be 47 (another assigned number!) years old at some point this year. Big deal. I hope that I'm going to be more physical active than I was 10, 15 or even 20 years ago, this year. I'm challenging myself to ride my bikes as much as possible and to keep on moving. So 47 or 2007 or whatever, I'm just going to do my thing, OK?.........

This is from two New Years Ago: Same Hot Tub, younger me?