
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Random Thoughts on a rainey night........

It seems that all I've been doing lately is working. Started at 6:30 am and worked till 5:00 pm the last two days.....UGH....Well it's part of the job.........

Jericho keeps getting better and better...I grew up with the bomb and often thought about what life would be like.....Jericho shows what happens to a small Kansas town after multiple nuclear bombs are set off by terrorists, or so they think so far....Anyway, on going story, ensemble cast, I like it....

Why oh Why (OK I know why, it's the end of the calendar year) do they have open season to pick our health benifits at the busiest time of the year for us? I can hardly keep my eyes open and now I have to go through health plan brochures...and now we are finally getting dental and vision plans...more brochures!

BTW your friendly mailman will be working without a contract on Nov. 20. Don't worry, we can't strike....ya think the management big wigs take that into consideration when they come to the bargining table? Could be.....

Still very warm here for the middle of November. Short sleeves all week. Might go into the 50's tomorrow. Rain, rain and more rain tonight...with a little thunder and lightning.........
And here is a picture of me and the bad kitty, Dee Dee..........(Just testing out the new blogger 2.0)


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