
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Just Another Day

Ok so on this past 9/11 I had a very minor motor vehicle accident with my mail truck. So the Post Office in it's infinite wisdom sends me to 16 hours of retraining. All I did was bang mirrors with a landscaping truck under a narrow railroad bridge. So I had my first 8 hours today in a nearby town. This course wasn't bad at all as far as postal training goes. Tomorrow, however, I have to drive 75 miles to do driver simulation training. Ugh. I hear that everyone gets dizzy and motion sickness from the simulator. Oh well, that's life in the P.O. ......

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sound Tigers....

So I went to my first hockey game as a member of the press. The Weekly is not so interested in the score of the game as much as a human interest story with a Fairfield County angle. I think I have found a great story and I'll be writing it later this afternoon.

Barbara and I received the royal treatment from the staff of the Bridgeport Sound Tigers. It was the home opener for the team and there was an air of excitement in the building. They were also playing their in state rivals, the Hartford Wolf Pack. The Tigers lost in a shoot out, but we had a great time anyway. We sat in the press box, which was very cool. As Dave from the Zamboni's might say 'Let's Go Tigers!".......

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Moving Right Along..............

October has been a very exciting month for me so far. On the transportation front I did part of (three flat tires!) my first charity bicycle ride on the 1st. We finally got a car on the road after being without one for several months. It's a 1994 Toyota Camary and it will be a worthy vehicle that will get us to and from and back again.

Then there is the writing thing. I got my first article published in the Fairfield County Weekly our local alternative/arts newspaper. I was talking to the editor today and they really liked my work and they want to see more. I will be going to the home opener of the Bridgeport Sound Tigers hockey game on Friday night to cover it for the paper. Very Cool! My head is full of ideas, so we'll see where this thing goes....

Tomorrow night it's back to the union hall. With all the chaos in the past few months I've had to put my brothers and sisters on the back burner, but I'm BAACCK. Management Beware!

This past Saturday and Monday nights I got to sit down and watch my New Jersey Devils for the first time this season. Won on Saturday, lost to the rangers last night. Hockey Rules! Let's Go Devils!!!!!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Sicker than a dog and Who's snow is it anyway?

Yea Gods did I just get over the stomach bug of all time. I don't think I have ever been that sick in my life. Tuesday night my wife and I went to dinner at our favorite diner. I got up Wednesday morning at 4:30 am to drive up to Hartford on Post Office business and that's when it started. An hour after getting into the bathroom I finally crawled back into bed where I spent the entire day, minus several trips to the head. I was cramping and sweating and thought about old mr. e coli several times. Stayed home from work today and finally ate some solid food this afternoon. Looks like I'll live...........

HA HA My kid brother packed his kit and kaboodle and moved his family to the Buffalo area. They had their first SNOWFALL today. He told me it started about 1:30 pm and hasn't stopped yet. He says its not sticking at his house but 6 miles away they have 2 inches so far.....It was short sleeve weather here today........

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Catching Up...

Been a busy week and now I've topped it off with the first cold I've had in two years. Anyway I went up to Boston on Sunday to ride my bike in the Hub On Wheels charity ride. My buddy Scott and I made the trip and he is an ace when it comes to long rides. This was my first time, so naturally we chose the longest route, 40 miles. It was AWESOME right from the start at City Hall Plaza, down Storrow drive to the Arnold Arboretum. However good luck was not with me as I suffered three (3!) flats and I had to abandon after 15 miles. Fortunately a park ranger came along and gave me a lift back to civilization.

The mail has picked up and work is getting very hard again. It's CATALOG season and every catalog in the world is sent to my little suburban route meaning very heavy mail satchels and a sore and tired me at the end of the day!

HOCKEY IS BACK! Whoo Hoo! Let the games begin. The Devils open tomorrow night against the 'Canes in North Carolina. LET'S GO DEVILS !!!!!!

TV: My new must see show is Jericho. It's a bit like Lost except it's easier to follow the plot. Also love the new Doctor on Doctor Who. Other than that: HOCKEY!!!