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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Stanley Cup Game 7 The 'Canes Win The Cup

Well the 2005-2006 hockey season has come to an end. The Carolina Hurricanes overcame injuries and rallied to win the Stanley Cup on home ice before an insane crowd. In fact I'm giving the first goal of the game to the 'Cane's fans, as they lifted the team and carried them on their backs. Edmonton did all they could do, but again what they saw was a primer on how to play defense with a lead. Not to take anything away from MVP Cam Ward, but a lot of Edmonton's shots never reached the net. And if they did, boy was Cam Ward there in a huge way. Not always flashy mind you, but always there to stop the puck. One save stands out as a game saver when Ward stretched his leg out as far as he could to block a rebound shot. Oh MY! Well congrats to the 'Canes, but watch out for the Devils next year!


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