
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Round 2 East predictions

Well if you look back a few posts you will see that I picked 3 out of the 4 series spot on. Ottawa in 5, check. Buffalo in 5, check. Devils in 6, check. The only one I blew was the rangers, cause I picked with my heart instead of my head. Still one would have thought that Atlanta would give them a bit of a tougher time. Oh Well.....Round 2:

rangers vs. the ALL POWERFUL BUFFALO SABERS....ooops there I go again. No sweep here this one will take more than 4 games. Buffalo will throw speed and skill players against the hated averey. I don't think Buffalo will bite at mr. averey's big mouth sound bites and I think they will skate circles around some of the older ranger players.....BUFFALO in 6

DEVILS vs. Ottawa Senators......To the Devils this looks like more of the same. Replace Lecavlier with Heatly, St. Louis with Alferson, Richars with Spezza, and Boyle with Redden you have basically the same team that the DEVILS beat in round 1. Only that all the guys on Tampa Bay were just a little bit better statistically, than their Ottawa counterparts....which could mean absolutely nothing in the playoffs.......So................DEVILS in 6

LET'S GO DEVILS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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