
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A Good Day.....Spoiled???

Ok so I should take it easy and enjoy the great weather we are having.....BUT....

* The amount of homes being torn down and rebuilt on my route makes me wonder about what kind of dust I may be breathing ever day.....Asbestos anyone?

* The leaf blowers are in full bloom....kicking up dried dog poo, dried mouse poo, dried bird poo, heck dried fox poo, and dried coyote poo for all I know, into a fine cloud of poo dust.....

* And while we are speaking of lawn care in the wealthy community I serve, the town motto is "He who dies with the greenest lawn....wins!" Fertilizers and pesticides are also part of my dailey diet..

* And to get back to the construction we must include the every lovely scent of diesel smoke from dump trucks and so on.....

Do my lungs stand a chance????!!!!!!!


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