
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Reflections on a Sunday Morn....

Well it's 8:30 am on a chilly Sunday morning the day of the Daytona 500. I'll be off to the store to gather my ingredients for another 500 chili. The race starts about 2:30 which gives me plenty of time to fix the chili. Used to be that the race would start around noon. TV rules, so hence the late start. I guess I'm an old timer.......

The Olympics....Well I can't say that I'm sorry that Bode 'The Mouth" Miller failed again. He may be the most despised American Olympic athlete ever. The men's hockey team is in trouble, although they gave a good showing against the red hot Slovaks. And how 'bout the Swiss shutting out Canada??? Just shows that this tourney is all about goal tending....Too bad for the women's hockey team, let's hope they pull themselves together and win a bronze......

Anyway Go Tony #20. Let's have a safe race today, and good chili.....


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