
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

I'd Like To Take A Look at the News...........

the old George Carlin line. There is a problem today with what we consider "news" and what is newsworthy. The days of the gritty hard hitting reporter is over, replaced by fluff. Watch your local news tonight and see how many stories are fluff pieces. Anything about that important city council meeting? Anything about how your elected representatives voted at the state or national levels? Any bad news about the giant multi national corporation that owns your local TV station or the network that they affiliated to? More than likely the answer is NO.

Why is Ben and Jen or Brad and the lip more important that what goes on in D.C.? A steady diet of entertainment fluff is not a new tactic. The Nazi's did the same thing in Germany as they came to power in the 1930's. Why should we worry that Congress is pushing an unfavorable bill through at midnight when Bennifer was spotted at a trendy night club? Folks, this does nothing but hurt our sacred democracy.

We take democracy for granted. I'm sure many of you do vote, which is good. But, be honest here, how many of you vote along party lines? Did you do the research on the candidates and their positions? I have found, rarely to be sure, that the opposition candidate represents my position better than my party, hence I cast my vote accordingly. Point is that democracy needs participation in order to work. In order to make informed choices we need to know what's going on in city hall and Capital Hill, not Hollywood......

peace (please?)


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