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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

REVIEW: New Order ITEM disc1

ITEM is a two DVD set of a favorite band of mine, New Order. I was in Border's Book Store when I came across this gem. I watched the first disc "New order A COLLECTION" which contains the music videos the group has released over the years. A few points to ponder:

"The Perfect Kiss" directed by Jonathan Demme still sends a cold chill down my spine. For one thing the band is in the entire video, which is rare for N.O. And the figure standing in the open doorway, of course it's Ian Curtis, well that's just brrrr time.

"Touched by the Hand Of God" Does Gillian Gilbert look cute or what? This video spoofs the hair/metal bands of the 80's so good that some people thought N.O. was a hair/metal band....

"Round and Round" This video features the faces of a few girls doing different facial expressions in black and white. A flower (rose? tulip?) is flashed briefly on the screen at various points. Sounds dull but it really works. Even better, in true N.O. fashion there is a remix of the video with just one girl. Don't know why, but it works.......

"Crystal" Features a band on stage playing the song. They are a bunch of 20 somethings, not N.O. Name of the band? The Killers. Yep that's where the lads from Las Vegas got their name. And their look. And that big lighty billboard thing in their video.

"60 Miles An Hour" Wacky scientist in a bear costume picks up hitchhiker and has car accident avoiding dog. Have to see for yourself, but don't drink any milk. It'll just come shooting out of your nose......

extras include the aforementioned "Round and Round" remix as well as remixes for "Regret" (on the "Baywatch" location no less!) and "Crystal" Also new videos for the older songs "Ceremony" and 'Temptation" plus a live cut of "Temptation" from 1981!

So I really liked this DVD,of course I did I'm a fan!


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