
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Friday, February 24, 2006

And Now A Word About The Hockey Monkey....

Ah the Hockey Monkey. An icon amongst icons. Born from a song and now about to be thrust into the national spotlight. Ladies and gentleman, I give you....The Hockey Monkey.......

Perhaps the best known and most loved song of the Zamboni's roster of songs about hockey is the Hockey Monkey. A video was made and shown on Nickelodeon. One day the band came across a small fortune. What to do with this sudden wealth? By a Hockey Monkey costume, of course. A Zamboni's show would not be complete without the Hockey Monkey.....

The National Spotlight? Indeed. The Fox network will use the song The Hockey Monkey for a new show called The Loop. It will have a nice lead in too, following some little show called American Idol. So I urge all my gentle readers (all 2 of you) to watch at least the opening credits of The Loop and worship at the alter of the Hockey Monkey..........


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