
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Postal Shooting

Another tragedy. Another sick person with access to a gun. But that's a topic for another time. Today I would like to look at the culture that put that gun in her hands....

As a twenty year employee of the USPS, I have seen many changes in my job. One of the worst things that ever came down the pike was the bonus system used to reward managers for making increasingly unrealistic performance goals. Even when a goal is reached, through the sweat and hard labor of clerks and carriers, that goal is made even more difficult in the next accounting period. For example, man-hours on the carrier side are reduced, by as much as 10% every year. So, in order to keep their bonus, management leans hard on the craft employees.

Our little office (22 routes) has been understaffed for at least the last 4 years. This means long days, doing parts of other carriers routes, mail being delayed (at least no 1st or 2nd class in our office, SO FAR), and customers getting mail after dinner time. Now with rising energy costs and so forth, I understand that costs must be contained. But when it takes 3 people to drive down from Hartford (90 miles) to observe how one supervisor at our office counts the mail, I have to wonder, what's going on??? Cost containment needs to be across the board. You can't get blood from a turnip, but in order to keep their bonus, management leans hard on the craft employees.

Micromanagment is the order of the day. Everything is scrutinized. I have to keep a personal log of when I go to the bathroom, so I can answer questions posed to me about my office time. Our supervisor,who I happen to like as a person, is so stressed out in the morning making all his computer entries and doing all the reports that Hartford needs, that he doesn't have the time to help carriers with problems that need attention that morning. They collect all the numerical data and come up with a time frame that you MUST meet. However, that number isn't the whole story, so I keep a log of things I do that aren't covered under the postal manuals. I consider myself to be an excellent employee, but they have leaned on me. I am doing my job, at a high level, to the best of my ability, and still I get leaned on. How does that make me feel? How would you feel? It all comes back to the bonus.

No one can truly know what drives the human heart. First off, we need to remember the victims and their families. Then we want to answer the question, WHY? What happens in my little office happens in almost every postal facility across the country. It is well past time to take a hard look at why people go "Postal". The climate must be changed.


Saturday, January 28, 2006

I'd Like To Take A Look at the News...........

the old George Carlin line. There is a problem today with what we consider "news" and what is newsworthy. The days of the gritty hard hitting reporter is over, replaced by fluff. Watch your local news tonight and see how many stories are fluff pieces. Anything about that important city council meeting? Anything about how your elected representatives voted at the state or national levels? Any bad news about the giant multi national corporation that owns your local TV station or the network that they affiliated to? More than likely the answer is NO.

Why is Ben and Jen or Brad and the lip more important that what goes on in D.C.? A steady diet of entertainment fluff is not a new tactic. The Nazi's did the same thing in Germany as they came to power in the 1930's. Why should we worry that Congress is pushing an unfavorable bill through at midnight when Bennifer was spotted at a trendy night club? Folks, this does nothing but hurt our sacred democracy.

We take democracy for granted. I'm sure many of you do vote, which is good. But, be honest here, how many of you vote along party lines? Did you do the research on the candidates and their positions? I have found, rarely to be sure, that the opposition candidate represents my position better than my party, hence I cast my vote accordingly. Point is that democracy needs participation in order to work. In order to make informed choices we need to know what's going on in city hall and Capital Hill, not Hollywood......

peace (please?)

Friday, January 27, 2006

Catchin up

Been laid up with a bad toe so it's time to post, something I should be doing on a near daily basis anyway.....

My NJ Devils have turned things around. I feel that perhaps we don't appreciate Martin Broeduer as much as we should, but when he hangs them up he will rank as on of the top keepers in the sport.

Things roll on, but towards what end? The Supreme Court is going to the right, gas prices are going up again, I feel that my health benefits will be going down in the next contract, and the left is sitting there going "told yah so", but not really doing anything about this fine mess.

I have become addicted to the SciFi show "Firefly" Joss Whedon ("Buffy, Angel") created another masterpiece which the Fox network never gave a chance. Fox showed the episodes out of order. Buy the complete series on DVD (which shows the episodes in the intended order) and don't forget to pick up the movie "Serenity" which ties up the "Firefly" story neatly.


Sunday, January 08, 2006

Electronics take over.................

MP3 Player. Satilite radio. TIVO. Santa brought the electronic revolution to the house. Everything is cool, but there is so much to learn. I fear I will never get more than the basics of each item down and not be able to enjoy all the features. Oh well, half the fun is learning how they work.........

Friday, January 06, 2006

Note to Pat Robertson

Dear Sir,
If your God would punish a man who was trying to bring peace to his land by giving him a stroke, then I don't think I am interested in worshiping your God.

My Utility Made News Of The Weird!

"G)Ass Backwards: To support its December rate-increase request, the Connecticut utility Yankee Gas Services said it needs more money because too many of its customers have lowered their bills by heeding calls to conserve energy." Thank you Mr. Shepard

WTG Yankeegas! So we do the right thing by conserving our natural resources and so we have to PAY MORE! What a brilliant incentive. So let me get this right. If I leave my oven on all night and the hot water running my bill should be lower?????

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Years Day and Sunday Nights................

To me New Years day is like any given Sunday night. You have an entire field of possibility that stretches out before you. What do you grab? It is a fresh start and the trick is to JUST DO IT, what ever IT is..............So look out world, I'm ready for a new year............

peace, NOW

Happy New Year!

Well, well, 2006. And not a thing to wear. Almost missed the ball dropping last night. We had a huge homemade meal and a bottle of wine and I was ready to sleep. A sure sign of getting old.

I'm ready to rumble on several fronts in 2006. Peace, healthcare and health in general, fair labor practices, both at my job and in society, and environmentalism are my battle grounds. Stand back I wield a sharp pen, or in this case keyboard. As Rage Against the Machine said: "It's Time to Take the Power Back".

Peace and Love in 2006. And no, that's not some pie in the sky dream. Let's make it real.