
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Ok so far I've tried to keep this upbeat and fun, but I'm getting pissed off. Fall means that is time for politics and the news out of our nations capital is not good at all......

2,000. As in 2,000 dead American soldiers in Iraq. In a war that the president declared victory a year and a half ago. In a war were we have met our stated goals (remove Saddam, hold free elections). In a war that will not end. 2,000. How many innocent Iraq citizens? And do you feel any safer from terrorism? I think that it is more likely than not that an attack will occur just because we stay in Iraq. It is past time to GET OUT OF IRAQ, NOW!

Pat Tillman: Read a fascinating article in "The Nation" about the late Pat Tillman. He was the NFL player who signed on to fight the war against terrorism and was killed in Afghanistan. He was hailed by the Bushies as the ultimate American hero. I will agree with that, but there is more to Pat Tillman's story. It is of course known that he was killed by friendly fire. What has not been reported in the main steam media was that he felt the war in Iraq was illegal. That he turned down numerous attempts to make him a poster boy for recruitment. That his favorite author was uber-liberal Noam Chomsky. Kind of paints a different picture, eh Ann Coulter?

There is so much more (Delay, Frist) but I'll save it for another post.....

PEACE (please?)


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