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Friday, August 12, 2005

Green Day "American Idiot"

Listened to Green Day's American Idiot" on the headphones today while I was putting up the mail for my route. What a brilliant album. Three songs will I comment on:

"American Idiot" Starts us off right, with the crunching punk guitar and just great lyrics. I really don't want to be part of the redneck agenda!

"Holiday" As I've said before WE ARE AT WAR PEOPLE! This song kind of says to me that we ignore that fact. When Billie Joe goes into the president Gasman bit,I feel a kindred spirit. "Bombs away is your Pun-ish-ment" Brilliant!

"Blvd of Broken Dreams" 'I Walk Alone' Boy did that lyric hit me. When I came out against the war I was called a traitor, a terrorist sympathizer, a communist (???!!) and I was told to move to Iraq, France, or Canada. So I did walk alone, BUT now days the worm is turning. Polls are showing that more Americans are questioning the war. The worm is turning and We the People want answers!

Thank you, Green Day for a great album...............


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