
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Stanley Cup Game 1: DUCKS 3, Ottawa 2

The first of two games that no one will least in the U.S. How can you put the FINALS on a network that hardly reaches any homes? In my area you have to have digital cable or satellite to get Versus. Ah well anyway..

The Ducks are a better team 5 on 5. It is that simple. If they stay out of the penalty box they will win. Ottawa is good on power plays, but they cannot get by a full pond of ducks to get anywhere near the net. Ottawa's Jason Spezza was playing like he did a couple of years ago when he almost got booed out of town, give aways in the defensive zone. What can be said about Ottawa's keeper, Ray Emery? He kept them in the game last night but IMHO he is just not that good. He plays position very well, but has no rebound control and he has a lot of trouble catching the puck. Look for the Ducks to exploit this.

Again this was a great game, hard, hard hitting and just great play all around, BUT NO ONE SAW least in the states.......

Monday, May 28, 2007

NUTS for Jericho....................

Jericho was one of the few TV shows I would go out of my way to watch. CBS cancelled Jericho for next season and the fandom has created a unique protest. When a neighboring town orders Jericho to surrender Jake tells them "NUTS". So to protest the cancellation fans are sending nuts BY THE TON to CBS. Want to join in: For $5.00 you can buy into a share of a case. Let's save good TV.....................


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Lotsa days off....

One of the great benefits of working at the Post Office is all the time we get off. I've been in for 21 years and I get 5 weeks off per year. Here is my next few weeks as an example:

Work : Friday and Saturday

Off: Sunday and Monday (Memorial Day)

Work: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Off: Friday, Saturday (Sched days off) and Sunday

Off: two weeks vacation time

Off: Monday (extra vacation day) and Tuesday (sched day off)

pretty cool eh?

Come On we deserve it...we are out there rain sleet, heat and the gloom of night...not to mention putting up with postal management................

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Time to give up on politics?

I thought I knew what a democracy meant. I thought that by working with the system that every American could have a voice in the government. I was naive of course. So no more being a political junkie for's a waste of time...To wit:

How much money has already been spent on the 2008, that's right 2008, presidential election and who or whom is donating all that money and what kind of access to the upper echelon of government will they have? If you guess big business you'd be right. As an example (and there are many) 40 million AMERICANS are without health care. Now wouldn't be the will of the people to see some kind of national single payer health care system? You'd think. However, the lobbies representing health care providers, pharmaceuticals and so for, have spent enough money to ensure that this will not happen.

Maybe I'll come back when we have publicly funded elections. Then perhaps we can have a real democracy again. Until then...Party On Garth.....................


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Is there anything more annoying?

I'm waiting for the doctor's office to return my phone call....ARGGGHHH...Meanwhile my grass is taunting me..."You're not going to cut me today are you???? HAHAHAHHAH..." And I need a shower soooo bad....of course I won't take one until the lawn is cut....A vicious circle............Rang Phone! Ring! ARRGHHHHH..............

Sunday, May 06, 2007

It's Over..........

and so we bring the curtain down on the New Jersey Devils 25Th anniversary season. For the second year in a row the Devils have failed to make it out of the second round of the playoffs after posting a great regular season record.....Oh Well.....I will watch some of the remaining playoff games and probably all of the finals.....I still have some rooting interests in two local players: Chris Drury (Trumbull, Ct) of the Buffalo Sabers and Ryan Shannon (Darien, Ct) of the Anaheim Ducks.....Let's bring the Stanely Cup to Fairfield County!!!!

Friday, May 04, 2007


Well I've missed a few game day posts. Things have been crazy here at home and I have but my blogging aside so I can catch a few more winks at night.....So here is what has happened..

1) The Devils are in trouble. They lost game 1 at home and then won a thrilling over time game in game 2. They then went up to Ottawa and lost two in a row. They were never out of any of the game that they lost, however they just can't seem to bury the biscuit. Oh well...Tomorrow night they must win at home to stay alive.....and then win two more in a row....Oh Boy.....

2) Went to a friend's stag last Saturday night. No strippers...just the funniest comedian I have ever heard. It helped that they grew up together, but this guy was just plain funny....My jaw hurt at the end of the night......

3) The show "Heroes" just gets better and better each week.......It will hurt when it is done for the season.............

4) Spring has finally sprung...a month late in my opinion....................