
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

What's Going On?

Hi Ya! Took a break from hard thinking but now I'm back. Just to catch up a little:

Hockey: Ya sure you betcha. Been watching a lot of games. The sainted wife and I went to NJ only to see the Devils fall short to Tampa Bay. Oh well, it was sooo good to go to a live, for real NHL game! And we hit no traffic either to or from the game.

Christmas Shopping: Acutally started early this year after years of saying we'd do so. When the 25th of December rools around all I want to do to prepare is a little cooking and NO last second running around......

The Dark Side: A big arrrrgh goes out to having to choose a plan for our health insurance. Yet another increase in premiums has forced me to do a little shopping this year and I tell ya, I'm gonna need several doctors by the time I get it sorted out.

More Darkness: Yeah we set the clocks back and now I'm delivering mail in the dark. Good news is that it has been unseasonably warm......

Time to get back in my shell. Good night and Good Luck.....................