
It's what I think. It's what I feel. It's about stuff. I write, you read.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

First Rant

Ok so the space shuttle landed today. That is great news. I feel happy for all the people involved, from the crew, to all the people at NASA and all of their families.
Growing up I was a real space case, wanted to be an astronaut, the whole nine yards. BUT.........

Now this isn't an original thought but it's one that I agree with 100%. The media gave this landing big time coverage right? After what happened last time we all had to wonder if this crew would land in one piece. God forbid, if something had happened to those poor 7 people aboard the shuttle it would have been a national tragedy. Now wait a second. Just the other day 14 Marines from Ohio were killed in Iraq. That's double the size of the shuttle crew, but I think the only reason we heard about it was that they were from the same state. More of our men and women have been killed or wounded since then. How many? Hard to say based on the mainstream media. See I'm old enough to remember seeing the body bags being off loaded from the planes during the Viet Nam war. That said to me: Hey! Look! We are at WAR! Which is something we at home may not of forgotten, but it's not at the front of the queue either.

So today's lesson is twofold. Space travel is dangerous. We Are At War.


  • At Tuesday, August 09, 2005 9:28:00 PM, Blogger BJ the gruntled said…

    To blog or not to blog. Would Shakespeare have asked that question? Not if that infinite number of monkeys had anything to say about it.

    Anyway....welcome Eddie. Kinda wierd throwing yourself out in cyberspace for all to see, eh?

    I personally don't have the will to do such a thing myself, but I find it fun to do drive-bys on other people's. Fear not. I will be kind.

    See, I kinda wanted to be an astronaut myself. Then I found out you had to be good at math and science. Killed that aspiration pretty damn quick. And I too wound up at the Postal Service. Does that mean the USPS is a collective of failed star sailors?
    Okay...too oblique a question, and after all, it is YOUR blog.
    Anyway...good luck with it, and may you find your answers somewhere between center ice and Victory Lane.


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